Chapter 17: In Which Bruce Goes On A Trip

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Happy New Year, guys! I've got another chapter for you, as promised. Enjoy! - Spathi

If you are reading this on the first of January, please see the note at the bottom.

Percy's P.O.V.

Percy watched as May stepped out of Providence base in Canada with a duffel bag. She placed a phone call to someone, and then started walking. He followed her for several miles through the snow before she spoke out loud.

"I know you're there. Not sure how, but I can feel it." she said. Percy slowly stepped out from behind a tree, hands in the air.

"Now, talk. You said your sister sent you, but I only know a few agents who care about me enough, and fewer are female. Only one of those knows the moveset we performed in Alaska, and I'm sure she doesn't have any siblings." she stated flatly. Percy nodded.

"My sister is adoptive. She's been teaching me since I was ten. Once I was old enough, I started taking out HYDRA bases, terrorists, and the like. I gained quite the reputation. That's how the Black Widow and I know each other." May narrowed her eyes, and shifted her balance, ready to run or fight.

"What do you want?" she asked suspiciously.

"What do you know about your father?" he responded. She frowned at the non-sequitur, but responded anyways.

"I grew up thinking a man named William was my father. But he's my stepfather." she said warily. Percy was surprised that she answered at all. Most agents wouldn't say anything, especially not to someone with his reputation.

"I'm going to make a couple guesses about you. You love the cold. You especially love ice and snow. You also enjoy flying. You picked up French easily. You are diagnosed with ADHD. You are good at Latin. And you are a restless person, always wanting to do something." he said. He noticed May's fists clench.

"How do you know that?" she asked, voice carefully even.

"Because children tend to take after their parents." he said. Immediately after he said that, there was a bright flash, and May gasped involuntarily, dropping to her knees and clutching her head. Above her head shone an image of a gust of wind intermixed with snowflakes. Her eyes glowed a bright icy blue for a second, and frost spread across her hands. Her skin paled, and the winds picked up. And then, everything stopped. May knelt in the middle of the clearing, panting slightly.

"All hail Melinda Qiaolian May, daughter of Aquilon, the North Wind." he said softly. May raised her head, and stared at him. He noticed that there was now a thin ring of blue around her iris, which swirled around the edges of her eyes like an icy hurricane.

"Explain." she ordered. So, Percy spent a couple hours walking with her and telling her about the Greek and Roman gods.

"So, I'm the daughter of the North Wind. Greek and Roman mythology is real. I'm gifted now. And there are two camps of people like me, which I have to keep a secret. Oh, and monsters might chase me." she summed up. Percy looked at her.

"Essentially, yes." he responded. They kept walking in silence. After a while, May spoke up.

"How do I use my abilities?" she asked. Percy shrugged.

"I guess just focus and visually imagine using your abilities. They'll probably have something to do with ice and wind, so focus on that." he suggested. He watched as May took a deep breath, and closed her eyes. She took another couple of breaths, and then, something happened. Percy watched in awe as May lifted off the ground, and just hovered. Ice appeared in her right hand. It expanded into the shape of a staff. She started twirling it around, switching it from hand to hand. She danced through the air, fighting invisible opponents. While she did this, she changed her staff to different weapons. It was fluid, the way she moved through the air, eyes still closed, as if she'd been doing it her entire life. And then, Percy noticed that she was also producing gusts of wind as she attacked. Percy had never seen anybody achieve that much mastery over their powers in such a short time. When she finally landed, she exhaled and opened her eyes.

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