Chapter 10: In Which Natasha Moves To Washington D.C.

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10 Chapters! And my first A/N for this story! Warning: This is extremely long, and possibly convoluted. Sorry. I just wanted to explain some things about this story. First off, this is mostly canon-compliant. It only diverges in a couple of areas. So, there's a couple of things I'd like to address.

1. Percabeth: While I have nothing against this ship, I couldn't have Percy date Annabeth because I felt like she would limit his ability to interact with Natasha without revealing their sibling relationship with everyone. Also, Percy would go to university in New Rome with Annabeth, leaving no room for becoming the Sea Scorpion. I might have Percy ask Annabeth out waaaaay later, but it's going to be a long time before that happens (if it does).

2. Timelines: I had to mix around the timelines a bit so that I had a smaller age gap between Percy and Natasha. Now, she's only 12 years older (Pietro Maximoff: You know, I'm 12 minutes older than you) than Percy. Also, there are some other changes, like the amount of time between the Avengers and CA:TWS (More on that below).

3. Behind the Scenes: A lot of what I have so far would be behind the scenes in the actual books/movies. Some of it does change small details about what happens at certain points. But then again, this is fanfiction, so I do have some liberty here.

4. Future decisions: In the future, I'm probably going to have to bring in other parties, namely the Guardians of the Galaxy, the X-Men, and the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. because in order to take this story as far as I'm going, they'll have to pop up. Probably not going to include the demigods of CHB/CJ, the Egyptians, or the Magnus Chase Norse Pantheon, because Percy probably wouldn't want to put that on their shoulders if he can avoid it. Also, mythological reveals would probably create unneccessary chaos right before the finale, and that's not helpful. There will be references and mentions, as well as guest appearances, so no worries about that. But going back to my original point, I'm going to have to twist some events to insert some characters, and perhaps mess with realities (Because X-Men: Apocalypse and Wanda's Comic Book Powers) for the sake of continuity. However, no matter how many characters I add in, this fic will mostly focus on Percy and Natasha's sibling relationship with a side helping of canonical pairings. And pairings won't change, sorry. As they stand: Bruce/Natasha; Clint/Laura; Tony/Pepper; Thor/Jane; Steve/Sharon. Oh, and Solangelo, Frazel, Jasper, and Caleo will have appearances as well!

5. The way this story is set up: It's laid out so that every 5 chapters is a story arc. The first 5 was the backstory of Percy and Natasha's sibling relationship + it covered the PJO books, Iron Man 2, and the first Avengers movie. Chapters 6-10 are focused on the time between the Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Canonically, that was like two years, but I've shortened it to a couple of months, because I don't want Percy to age too fast in this story. You might notice that the first five chapters have Percy in the title and the last five chapters (including this one) have Natasha in the title. The title will give you a hint as to who the chapters are more focused in on. Natasha and Percy will always have at least one P.O.V. between the two of them per chapter, but if a different character's name is in the chapter title, you'll be getting a P.O.V. from them as well.

I've got the next 20 chapters sort of planned, and that doesn't even cover CA:CW! Twists and turns should be expected in my non-canonical version of that movie. Just so you know, my chapters tend to be anywhere between 2,000 - 3,000 words long. They might get longer, but we'll see.

By the way: May_West and 123yyy123123, thank you guys for reviewing my story! thatgirlCV and Honeyfern1026, thanks for voting on it. I hope you all continue to enjoy it! If you guys have any ideas, feel free to let me know! For any other readers, please review! They really make my day, and help me write faster!

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