Interview with XxNommi797

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Me: Hello Naomi! It's me again. xp
But this time, I was wondering if I could have an interview with you. If you don't want to, I understand. If your busy (I know you have exams....) then I understand. But if you can do it, that'll be great! =D

XxNommi797: Hello there..and please drop me a message any time you feel like it :') but I'd love to take you up on the offer! I love interviews XP so just tell me what you want me to do.. Or however you want to work it and I'll go with it :)) have a good day :') or night XP

Me: Awesome!
My first question is... Hm... What inspired you to write?

XxNommi797: :')
What inspired me..hmmm..okay well, I actually got my story idea in a dream :P Weird I know..I've got a wacky imagination :P and I wrote the idea down and did nothing with it for months, until it came to Easter time. I was bored and thought 'Why as well give it a shot!' :P I always loved reading and writing but my English teachers always said I wasn't very good... But if it's something you truly my as well give it a shot and see how it goes because you might regret it if you don't. So that's why I started writing :P

Me: I like that. =)
How'd you find wattpad?

XxNommi797: Thank you :))
I stumbled across it actually :P In like summer 2010..I think :P..I was really into Greek Mythology and stuff and I was looking for books to read  about it. So I was searching the internet for books and it brought me to...what would later become my addiction XP It was a book call 'Stuck Together With Permanent Glue' and anyone who's interested in Greek Mythology and stuff should really check it out;) and yeahh..since then i've been addicted XD

Me: What got ya into Greek Mythology?

XxNommi797: Emm..honestly can't remember :P I always just thought it was fascinating..but I never really got learning about it...hmm.. that's something I'll have to do! Learn about it more ;)

Me: What age did you start writing?

XxNommi797: Emm properly stories or just like writing stuff?? :P

Me: Yup.

XxNommi797:  which one??

Me: Either or.

XxNommi797: Emmm..okayy..
I've always been writing..obviously :P But when I was younger I wrote songs and stuff like that..probably weren't very good but you know..its what kids do XP I always had to write stories for school but they weren't really me :/ I guess Opposites Attract was my real start in writing. I'd never really written a proper story before it. And  I was about 13 when I started writing it :P

Me:Do you plan to post any more storied on here besides Opposites Attract?

XxNommi797: Welllll...I have loads of story ideas actually..well a few :P and one I'm particularly excited about..but that's all I'm saying. But that one might not be uploaded for a while..but you never now XP Just keep an eye out in case ;)

Me: Can you give us a hint on what it's going to be about..? ;]

XxNommi797: Should I?? emmm..nope XD Gotta keep you intrigued ;) It's completely different from Opposites Attract..all I'm saying ;)

Me: Are you going to make a sequel to Opposites Attract?

XxNommi797: I've actually not thought about that :P The way I've planned the story..I don't think it will needs one..I don't want to overkill it :/ However, thinks can change and i'll have to see what the readers want :))

Me: Who made your cover for Opposites Attract? If you did, what websites and/or programs did you use?

XxNommi797: Took me a sec to find it..but it was created for me by and awesome fan called RaeHeartsCookies..major props to this girl cause she created and amazing cover that has now become an iconic symbol for my story on here! I immediately loved it and so did many other people! So I can't thank her enough and I want her talent in covers to be made know XD

Me: How many more chapters do you plan on writing for Opposites Attract?

XxNommi797: I've planned around 35 chapters :P But that could you never know ;) but yeahh..there's still a lot of Sky and Chase to come XD

Me: Last question: What are some writing tips you give the readers?

XxNommi797: Okay..first off is detail. Detail is so incredibly important! Detail is what brings words on paper (or a screen ;P) to life. It allows the reader to imagine the scene, almost as if they were there! Stories without detail is like a song without a tune..pointless! Also, if you don't put effort and time into something, then how can you expect it to ever become anything worthwhile? All amazing creations have been slaved over for hours and I know 'writers block' and everything else can make you want to just throw the towel in and give up, but you've just got to persevere. If you really want something to've got to give it everything to try to make it work! And lastly, if you don't feel passionate and excited about your story, or whatever it is for that matter, then there is no point! If you personally can't enjoy your work and want to read more, how can you expect others to? So, I think if it's something you're truly passionate and are willing to give it your best to give whatever it is the best shot...then go for it and I wish you the best in it! All the best in whatever it is :')

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