Interview with LDCrichton

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Great questions. I've done a lot of interviews and these were definitely some of my favorite to answer. 

1.What inspired you to write?
Writing in general? I guess my dad. I think (assuming you have a great dad—which a lot of us do) many little girls grow up thinking their dad is some kind of super hero who can fix anything with crazy glue and a toothpick. My dad was always writing when I was little (when he wasn’t fixing everything) so it seemed like a normal thing to want to do. In school it came very naturally to me so I just went with it. 

2.What’s your favorite thing about writing?
It is a socially acceptable form of breaking from reality. I like that I can have a terrible day and sit in front of the computer and go somewhere else entirely without actually having to leave. 

3.What’s your least favorite thing about writing?
It can sometimes be very consuming which would be well and good if I were a reclusive hermit with no social life or real responsibilities. I can’t exactly leave a work meeting to write a great scene that just popped into my head. 

4.How’s it like to have your book on Amazon?
It’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment. I’m proud to see it up there. 

5.Would you call yourself a wattpad celebrity? Why so or why not?
I’m just me. I like to write books. People happen to like them (most of the time) and that’s the greatest feeling in the world but I would hate to call myself any kind of celebrity. It sounds unapproachable and removed…two things which I try not to be. 

6.What’s your wattpad pet peeve?
Spelling. And I don’t mean the occasional spelling error. I’m talking “wen pplz spel like dis or dat.” Are. You. Kidding. Me. Just. Don’t. 

7.If you could have one of your characters become a real person who would it be and why?
Sawyer from Celebrity Status. Because he’s exceptionally smart yet damaged and I’m a sucker for damaged smart people.  

8.Who makes your covers? If you, what program(s) do you use?
All three covers were made for me. Amaranthine was designed by James Irwin, Celebrity Status by Steven Novak (both professional graphic designers). In Time was designed by Wattpad’s very own R. Lynn. 

9.Which character is the most like you?
I don’t necessarily think there is one most like me. There’s probably a piece of me in all of them. Even crazy Sophie. Maybe Tally from Celebrity Status. I’m rather outspoken and kind of tend to tell it like it is. 

10.What are some writing tips you can give the readers?
In general: Write when you don’t want to. 
 Don’t be offended by other writers making suggestions for your story. They are usually done so with the best intentions. Writing is like anything else in life. Never stop learning and honing the skill. 
It’s okay to get frustrated. 
Sticky notes can be your best friend for plotting. 
Put your work out there. You’ll never know until you try. 
Love what you do. 

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