Interview with gleekdreamerxoxo

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1. What inspired you to write?
I've always loved writing, but what inspired me was a youtube video! It's actually like a love story that people make up and I loved it; that's when I decided to write stories!

2. What's your favorite thing about writing?
My favourite thing about writing is that I get to write down whatever I want, and know one can judge me. It's my story, I'm the one that's making it up!

3. What's your least favorite thing about writing?
Least favourite this about writing is not always getting the grammar right.

4. How'd you find wattpad?
One day, I was trying to find this book called Marked, and I looked it up on google and wattpad had it! Then I fell in love with wattpad.

5. If you could publish one of your stories which one would you publish and why?
Who am I living for? because I think a lot of people will like it and enjoy the message of the story. It might bring some tears and laughs, it's an enjoyable story!

6. Which character of yours is the most like you?
Um, I guess Lia from my story Listen to your heart, because I'm always trying to be the center of attention and I'm wild just like her!

7. If you could have one of your characters become a real person who would it be and why?
Blake for Listen to you heart because I describe her as such a pretty and nice person, it would be amazing to meet some one like her!

8. How'd it feel when you reached your goal of having over 190 comments?
AMAZING, for some people it might be like a small amount but for me it's just overwhelming!

9. Who makes your covers? If you do, what program(s) do you use?
For my first story I made it on but that site has crashed down ;( for my second story Bambey she's awesome !!

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers?
Just write what you feel is right. Don't write down something someone else tells you because then it wouldn't be your story! Make sure you really are dedicated to finishing the story and are really inspired by it!

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