Interview with Entranced

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1. What inspired you to write?
I have personally, always loved to read and it indirectly inspired me to write. When I first came onto Wattpad, I was captivated amazing books by ordinary kids just like you and me. I began thinking to myself 'How hard can it be?' At first I was scared because compared to others, my works were terrible. I'd written a few things before I even discovered Wattpad but I kept them all to myself because at that time, writing was a hobby. Eventually I convinced myself to publish 'Being a Douchebag'. And that's how it started :)

2. Which character of yours is most like you?
To be truthful, I'd say that every one of my characters has a part of me in them. But if I had to choose I'd go with both my lead girl characters - Evie from 'Coming Home.' and Cass from 'Being a Douchebag.' Evie is quite stubborn and independent quite like me; she doesn't like to admit things. Cass likes to face all her problems alone because she's strong enough to, I do that sometimes too.

3. Do you listen to music when you write? If so, who and why?
Yep. I guess it depends on the theme of the chapter. When Cass was going through a rough patch in ‘life’ I listened to a lot of Adele because I found that her songs related perfectly to the situation and provoked feeling which helped me write. I’m not exactly a soppy, ‘omg my life is over because he left me’ person. I ended up posting ‘Someone Like You’ (one of Adele’s songs) under multimedia as the ‘song of the chapter’ because it was perfect. Sometimes I listen to music that’s completely irrelevant simply ‘cause I love music. But with ‘Coming Home’ which is a spiritual genre book, I wanted to focus on posting music which related to religion. It’s completely dependent on how I feel and if I can find a song related to the chapter.

4. If you could publish one of your stories which would you publish and why?
Um, that’s a hard one. In terms of successfulness, probably ‘Being a Douchebag’ because I think more people read that sort of stuff and some people can even relate to what happens.

5. What's your wattpad pet peeve?
I don’t really have one. Oh wait, probably when people don’t use capital letters and punctuation. I’ve seen stories with amazing story lines but there are no paragraphs and the grammar is crazy – it puts me off. But, I can’t say I’m perfect either, a lot of the time, I don’t realize my writing mistakes. And also, when there’s this AMAZING book you’re reading, you get to the end all excited about what’s gonna happen and then you realize the author hasn’t uploaded for seven months and has left the book on a terrible cliff-hanger ;ooo I might just jump off a bridge.

6. What's your favorite thing about writing?
Probably that moment where you get an idea and your fingers can’t stop moving you just have to get it down on paper (or in my case Microsoft Word). I love the fulfilled feeling you get when you finish a chapter, you’re proud of it and you click the publish button. I also think writing is a way of de-stressing and is so effective in killing boredom ;p

7. What's your least favorite thing about writing?
I’d have to say the fact that it takes so long. I could have a whole chapter planned out in my head and know exactly what’s going to happen but it still takes three to four hours to write and be perfected. Being a student it means I have to balance school and writing and that’s probably the hardest thing – I hate disappointing my readers. 8. If you could have one of your characters become a real person who would it be and why?
Wow, lol. I’d go with… Kelly. If she was real, I’d be more likely to become her friend. She’s a happy-go-lucky person and someone you could talk to about anything. I love that she’s her own person too :)

9. Which do you prefer reading or writing?
I love them both equally but surprisingly, I’d say reading. I’ve always been a bookworm, I could go to school and gush about Wattpad books/published books all day! Some of the plots for Wattpad books are unbelievably good you almost put yourself into the shoes of the main character and go on a journey with them. I often end up staying up late or being late for something because I’m addicted to a book I can’t put down! xD

10. What are some writing tips you can give the readers?
• No matter what, don’t give up on yourself or your writing – you’ll get there eventually.
• Write because you love writing, not because of Wattpad fame because you’ll find that the authors who have billions of reads are the ones that wrote for themselves.
• Be open to criticism because nobody’s perfect, there’s always room for improvement. Even the best writers work to get better.
• Let your writing flow from you, you’ll be able to imagine yourself as your main character and get your message across better.
• Know where you’re going before you start, don’t get to the middle of the book and be completely clueless.
• Try to go back and read over your work, you might pick up a fatal mistake or correct a misspelled word!

I’d just like to say a massive thank-you to everyone that’s reading/voting/commenting/fanning. I often don’t have time to personally thank every one of you so I’d like to say it here. You guys are such a massive encouragement, I never dreamed that I would get the response I did when I first started writing but here I am. I love every single one of you. Know that I see all your comments and vote and I appreciate them all. I’d also like to thank EXTREMEmusiclover for this interview, check out her stuff! :)

Much love,
Entranced ♡

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