Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.

I looked out onto the clear skies and closed my eyes, enjoying the sun's warmth while I still can. The sound of a car honking brings me back to reality and I look around my old bedroom for the last and final time.

The room had been stripped of my old belongings and looked completely bare but it looked to me as if nothing had changed. I stroked the walls which had been covered with my favourite posters. My bed on which I had my troublesome sleep and my thinking place. My window which brought in the sunlight to caress me and wake me up from slumber.

I remembered each sleepover distinctly. But it has all changed.

My name is Jean Blaise, ex-cheerleading captain, ex-president, ex-girlfriend of the most hottest guy in the school and ex-best friend of the most prettiest girl in school.

Long story short?

I'm moving to a completely deserted town which has rumours surrounding it's dull atmosphere. My parents are some novelists and wanted some peace and quiet and particularly chose this gloomy town as their new home, dragging me along.

Of course, dinners ended up in chaos and days went by without talking to each other. But the decision remained. I was moving no matter what, if the world was to crash down.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I walked out onto on the front porch and went into the car which had been honking fervently.

My mum looked behind and said with a small smile,"Sweetheart, it's not gonna be so bad."

I looked at her as though she was insane. "Transferring into a completely new school half into the year?"

My dad looked at me through the rear view mirror and said,"For all you know, you might just find Holmes Chapel a much better place than London."

I rolled my eyes and put my earphones inside my ear. The car purred and came to a roaring start. We pulled away from our driveway and made our way to the misty and gloomy town of Holmes Chapel.


"Jean? Honey, we're here."

My mum's voice awoke me from my light slumber and I rubbed my eyes to remove the sleepiness.

I looked out of the window and saw the town. And I was right.

The skies were covered with thick clouds and the sun was not in sight. The houses were the type that seemed extremely small and tightly packed. The people walking on the footpaths had a blank expression on their faces and there was not a smile there on anyone's faces. The cobbled streets gave an odd feeling, as if you were entering medieval ages again.

We drove deeper through town until we were at the outskirts and you couldn't really see any more houses or people. We stopped and I opened the door and stepped out.

Leaves crunched as I placed my foot on the ground. A breeze blew past me and I shivered, pulling my coat closer to me. I looked up and saw a house which had one word to describe it: Odd.

The tiles on the roof were a shade of deep blood red and the walls of the house were painted with a light summer yellow. The door again, was red. I couldn't help but shiver again. Not because of the weather, but the chills the house sent right down my back. A few dead potted petunias were kept near the door.

"Oh my goodness, this is such a lovely house. And the price was so cheap too!" My mum said happily, making her way to the front door, leaves crunching with every step.

My dad was pulling out a few boxes and spoke,"Jean, could you help me with some boxes?"

I made my way to the trunk and my dad heaped a couple of boxes on me. We didn't have much stuff, since the movers had already put most of our stuff inside.

The keys turned and we walked inside one by one. The musty smell hit me immediately and I knew by the amount of dust covering every article, nobody had been here for quite sometime.

I kept the boxes down and my mother held my hand and took me up the stairs. It creaked as I made my way up and she took me to a room. She opened the door and showed me my new room.

A lot of the boxes were still to be unpacked but the room looked very large. My old bed had been placed in the middle of the room and it seems that I had my own balcony and bathroom too.

It seemed not so bad, but then, I felt a chill in my back. I turned around and my mother wasn't there anymore. The door had closed and the windows were still shut too.

I heard someone whispering in my ear. I turned and no one was there. I felt uneasy already.


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