Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.

He was too attractive. He had hazel eyes that were covered in long lashes and his hair was perfectly styled. His plumb lips were rosy in colour. He was dressed in black jeans and a leather jacket that gave off the punk vibe. He looked as though he had been pulled out of a fashion magazine.

I was brought back to reality when suddenly Tori calls out worriedly,"Are you ok?"

I shrug as though I didn't feel any pain but I did have a slight pain in the back of my head. But I was too proud to admit that.

"I'm alright."

"Well I'm terribly sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." Zayn apologised as though it was his fault. My thoughts about him being a model started to be more doubtful.

"How about we go out for pizza? My treat." He looked hopefully to both, Tori and me.

I realised Tori was staring at him with scrunched eyebrows as though she had seen him before.

"That might has come as too forward, but take it as my apology." He smiled and looked straight into my eyes.

I felt myself drifting and getting more mesmerised by those eyes and felt like I should do what he says. Just as I was about to say yes, Tori interuppted with a hurried excuse.

"Is that what the time is? I'm so sorry, Jean, I forgot I had to show you something."

I replied in a very sleepy tone. "We do?"

She gave Zayn an apologetic smile. "Some other time?"

Zayn looked confused for a second, but smiled a charming smile. "For your connivence."

As for me, I was just in a daze. I was just staring into his eyes and feeling more and more sleepy.

Too sleepy to even realise, that I didn't even feel Tori grabbing my arm and guiding me away from Zayn.


*Third POV*

"You WHAT?"

"I'm sorry mate. She's got a sidekick who, I think, knew."

The shadow rubbed his temples even though he couldn't possibly have a headache.

"Zayn. You had one job. One bloody job to find out about her and you failed." The shadow growled, his tone menacing.

"I'm sorry alright. But you might want to be careful of her sidekick. I feel she knows what is going on."

The shadow sneered. "You don't have to tell me to careful out of all people. I know what I'm doing."

Zayn sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "I hope you do."

The shadow narrowed his eyes. "If you got to do a job, you got to do it yourself."

Jean's POV

23rd October, 1689

It was just like any other day of the week. The children ran around pestering everybody in their paths, with stray dogs by their side. Men were either working or having pints in the bars. Women were discussing the latest talk of the town, flapping their fans due to the hot air.

I was outside, waiting for the carriage that would take mother, Gemma and me to the theatre and that was when it happened.

She was walking by with her head bent down low. A few delicate curls were falling down from her face as she walked by with grace. A man and a woman were ahead of her and looked as though they were talking about her.

But I wasn't concentrating at what they were saying. But more at the beauty and elegance the lady had. She was stunningly beautiful. I felt as though my heart had dropped and-

I dropped the diary which I had picked up from the attic with disinterest on my bed as I didn't care in reading about old romantics. I yawned and saw the clock. I was still remembering the events of today after school. I was in just a daze, I just remember bits and pieces.

I remember Zayn offering something and Tori rejecting hurriedly. Tori later said that I had banged my head so hard I could hardly remember anything. Must have been that.

Although Tori has told me about mediators and everything, I still feel she is hiding facts from me. And everytime I bring up Harry, she suddenly becomes uncomfortable and changes the subject.

All though I know what all mediators are, it's more like I'm learning about the history rather than doing all the cool stuff. I keep persisting Tori and she keeps denying me and telling she wants to take things slow. Tori can be very stubborn in such cases.

I feel a cool breeze run over me and I shiver. It's almost October and I am freezing my butt off in this town. It's nothing like London. It's always chilly or foggy down here. I glance at the window but it was shut. That's odd.

Maybe I just had to turn the furnace up. I got up lazily from my bed and went to check the thermostat to turn the heat up.

As I returned back to my room, I walked in and closed the door. But when I turned around, I screamed and almost ran away.

Because there was a certain green eyed man sitting on my bed eyeing me with amusement.


How did he get in here?

Oh wait right, he's a ghost.

I walked over to him and started to have curious thoughts about all the things you see in the movie about ghosts.

I wondered if my hand would just pass through him like he was made of mist. I tried doing it, but instead my hand hit his hard chest.

He raised his eyebrow. "What exactly are you trying to do?"

Embarrassed, I withdrew my hand quickly and answered,"Trying to see whether you were made of mist."

He laughed and it was a pleasant sound for a ghost.

"I assume, you know what I am then."

"Well, I did come across your grave."

I thought he would be offended, but he smirked. I was still curious as to how he still got into my room, even though he was a ghost. But he wasn't exactly transparent and misty like the movies.

"How exactly did you get inside my room?" I asked curiously.

He laughed again, and I felt shy for some reason. Am I finding a ghost attractive? Yeesh.

"Hollywood has messed up some concepts haven't they?" He grinned, and he had perfect white teeth.

"And," He added. "Your little friend hasn't exactly mentioned you this detail has she?"

Who is he talking about? Tori?

"When a person dies, their body perishes, but their soul is yet alive."

I already know this. It's not exactly surprising for me.

"They are allowed to roam wherever they wish to."

"I know this stuff. It's not new for me." I replied, walking towards my balcony.

He just seemed amused. "Your generation has no patience at all does it?"

He continued. "Because when a soul dies, they are also in a way confined to their final resting place."

Which cause me to stop dead in my tracks.

"Which brings me to my original point. I died in this very room."


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