Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

I wiped my brow and stood up straight to admire my work.

I covered my bedroom walls with a bright wallpaper. It was a light blue wallpaper with a black and white stripes on it which went very well with my lime green carpet.

I know. Weird choices. But that's how I am. Weird.

My room was pretty much done except the closet. That was a mess. I still had to rearrange everything. My mum and dad had managed to transform the creepy house to a bright, ecstatic and modern house which didn't give you the chills anymore. Even the dead backyard had been mowed, planted and looked pretty nice now with flowers blooming everywhere.

My dad had promised me to get a car if I moved to Holmes Chapel and he had kept his word. He got me a second hand Benz E 200 which was kinda tattered but hey, nothing a little grease can't fix.

Yeah, I loved cars. The grease and dirt didn't bother me one bit. Strange for a girl eh?

My school which started from Monday was names Holmes Chapel
High School. I just hoped I would be able to catch up with all the work even though it was gonna be hard.


I drank my coffee in a disposable cup as I made my way through the high school parking lot. Surprisingly, for a small town population, they sure had a lot of cars. I finally found a spot and shut of the engine. I grabbed my bag and stepped out.

I emptied my cup and threw it in a nearby dustbin and made my way through the front doors. Not different or anything. The walls were painted a dull orange, with lockers lining up on both the sides. The teens looked bored and gave an expression like they would prefer to be anywhere but here. Not really thinking much, I made my way to the Head Office and got my schedule.

PE in the first period?! I feel dizzy already. But I read through and saw that they also have Automobiles as extra-curriculum. That brighten my day.


P.E was toture. I'm not even gonna start by how out of shape I am.

The other periods were embarrassing as the teachers made me introduce myself to the class.

The other children looked like drones or more like zombies. I'm not even being cliche when I say this town is really like a ghost town.

The cafeteria was at least the most lively I've seen so far. I mean in my old high school, there was so much chaos and noise, we ended up having food fights. But here, it was eerie. I was wishing that I could drive away in my car and go back to my old life. But that would be impossible.

I went up to the line and saw what was there. I didn't really have an appetite so I just took a coke and a pretzel. I paid for my lunch and went sat down on an empty chair in the corner of the room.

I opened my can and a "hiss" sound came. People stopped what they were doing and were staring at me as if I was inhuman. I felt uncomfortable under their prying eyes. If it was even possible, the cafeteria turned even more silent. I felt self-conscious and looked down at my combat boots and skinny jeans with an Pink Floyd shirt and saw if I dropped anything.

I heard a chair scrapping and looked up to see a girl sitting in front of me and she looked as though she was examining me. She had black hair that was cut pageboy and a pair of big hazel eyes, with big eyelashes which complimented her eyes. She wore a simple top with a bow and it looked nice on her. On the whole, she was very pretty.

I squirmed in my seat and was about to get up when suddenly she spoke in a voice which was worried.

"Are you staying at the old Styles Manner?"

I fused my brows together, trying to recollect the information. I asked confused.

"I'm sorry?"

She said in a more exasperated tone. "Are you staying at the old Styles Manner located at the the outskirts of Holmes Chapel near the Maple forest?"

"Y-Yes." I was feeling creeped out, minute by minute.

Everyone in the cafeteria gasped. Including the lunchladies. Talk about weird.

The girl in front of me looked half scared and half in disbelief. "Don't you know the rumours surrounding it?"

I rolled my eyes and said,"I'm new in this town."

She looked at me through her deep hazel eyes and said in a hushed tone. "It's a legend about that house. You ever wondered why it's so cheap? It's because it's haunted."

I snorted. "Yeah, right."

She looked annoyed now, but still held that look of fear. "A family lived there once. A boy, his older sister and their mother. Pretty nice folk. The boy was very handsome. His curly hair, emerald green eyes and personality charmed everyone. He falls in love with a stunning girl. But one day, the boy's girlfriend betrays him. And was so much in love with her, he attempts sucide. The mother and sister fell into depression and were in so much grief that they left town. People say you can still hear his spirit through the hallways. His moaning and crying. His whispers."

The hair of the back of my neck stood up when she said whispers. I'd been hearing whispers. A lot of them. But not just in the house. Everywhere. In the streets, in school and especially in the house. I tried to shake it off, but it seemed to linger. It was like voices inside my head, asking for help.

I felt a familiar shiver run through my spine. And then I saw a curly haired boy from a far away distance. I stood up from my place, not caring about the stares I was getting. He saw me walking towards him and he started walking too. I picked up pace and started jogging. Seriously, I need to start jogging more.

I reached out panting and looked around. The boy was no where to be seen. But I remembered one thing I would never forget.

His piercing green eyes that's burned though my soul.

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