Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.

****'s POV (Same Night)

I shut off the engine of my car and it purred to a stop. Twilight poured itself inside the car. I climbed out and it was a clear moon night. I hoped it wasn't too late to meet him. I sighed and made my way down the pathway to the old Catholic building which was our church.

The benches were occupied with people. Of all kinds. I saw a man with a clean shaved face and dressed in a suit. He seemed to be talking to a young woman. I felt a heavy pang in my chest at seeing him. I smiled weakly at him and he returned the smile. On the corner of my eye, I felt a prick and I quickly rub it away.

I made my way up to priest on the podium, who was smiling at everyone and was about to start the session.

"Excuse me Father, but could I have a moment alone?" I politely ask, after he finished addressing everybody in the room. He notices my urgency and nods.

"Excuse me, I'll be right back."

He walks down the podium and leads the way to a dark hallway and into a room in the back where no one could hear us. He closes the door behind us and asks.

"What's the matter child?"

"She's back Father. ? Katherine is back. But she doesn't know who she is. And he isn't going to waste the opportunity this time. Also, there's something else that's bothering me."

His eyes widen at the mention of Katherine.

"What's bothering you child?"

I take a deep breathe and say.

"She's a mediator too."


Jean's POV (Next day)

I wake up from my troubled sleep and rub my eyes. The fact that I'm a heir of this creepy house, or I was locked in an even more creepier attic, or I was being followed around by someone hot as the scariest thought. My hand feels sore, and the pain seems to have magnified in the night. I try to ignore the pain and heard a knock on my door and I reply for them to come in.

My mum walks in and asks.

"Good morning Jean. How are you feeling?"

"Much better." I smile.

"That's good to hear. We have to go to church in a hour. If you would join us, it would be great."

"Or you could stay back at home if you like." She adds.

"No, it's alright. I'll meet you there."

She nods and smiles and walks out, closing the door. I shake my head and get up and shower. I dress into something warm as the weather is getting chillier. My hair which I've blow dried is left open. I stare at myself in the mirror.

How could Dad even think I look like Katherine? I don't have her prominent cheekbones. Neither do I have her beautiful eyes. I just have plain grey eyes and blonde hair. I sigh and grab my combat boots. I put on my coat and make my way down.

I pass my dad in front of the door. "Good morning pumpkin." My dad says, his voice chirpy.

"Good morning dad." I reply and grab my keys. I open the door and walk towards my car and get in. I realised I skipped breakfast and my stomach for growling. I decide to grab a donut and a coffee. There aren't any branded shops over here, just local stuff. I order my stuff and get it when the guy calls my name. I munch down the glazed donut quickly.

I walk outside and roam around. I see an old lady walking down and she has a silvery aura around her too. She walks up to me and tells me,"Katherine? Nice to see you. It's been so long."

I look at her and say politely,"I'm sorry. You must have me confused with somebody else."

"No, no. It's you. And how are you looking so young?"

"I'm sorry ma'am. I'm Jean."

"It can't be. You are Katherine." She keeps insisting.

I just smile and move forward. More and more people start looking like her. I see a pair of twins dressed in the same frilly dresses as in the attic. A boy passes me playing with a dog. A man with a bow tie passes me and nods.


What is with these people? Is this some prank?

An lady with an umbrella and dressed like in Pirates Of The Caribbean, stops me and says,"Katherine dear, you must help me. Those frightful ghoul friends of mine are bothering me again. You could persuade them into some other past time, I hope. My regards darling." And goes on in her way.




Voices echo inside my head screaming the name and I hold a gate next to me to balance myself. I throw my cup and hold my head.

"Stop it." I shout and a few people look at me in a scared way. The voices continue and I turn my head. And I saw a graveyard.

I open the gate and go in. The voices grow stronger and I stumble and walk to the older side of the grave. I don't even know what I'm doing. My head feels lightheaded and wonky. I keep banging into everything and my body feels heavy. I feel like my legs are made of lead, when I finally wobble and collapse. I looked up and saw I fell on a tombstone.

Harry Styles, a loved son and brother.


It was engraved in cursive and there seem to be an eerie silence. I heard footsteps, crumbling the dried leaves on every step. I turn around and see Tori from a few couple metres staring at me. She runs to my side and helps me stand up.

"Are you ok?"

"I'm a bit dizzy, otherwise I'm fine I guess." My head still hurts with the voices, but they reduced from screams to whispers. I look at Tori and can't help but blurt it out. I can't keep it to myself anymore.

"Who was Katherine?"

She looks around cautiously as though she hopes she doesn't see anyone.

"Katherine was the girl the boy died for. He was her lover."

"What was her lover's name?"


She glances at the tombstone behind me and I do the same. I shiver and feel the need to share how I'm feeling.

"I have a feeling. As crazy as it sounds, I think Harry is following me around. He's everywhere I go. But not just him. People. Of all kinds. Most seem ancient but all of them have a silvery aura around them which makes them look different from other people. They go around calling me Katherine and talking to me. And there are these voices inside my head, screaming and pleading for help. Am I going mad?"

Tori looks at me with her warm hazel eyes and gives me a knowing look.

"This is just the beginning."

"What does everyone mean by that?" I shout with frustration, pulling at my hair roots. Tori gives me a sad smile and tells me.

"You're a Mediator. The line between life and death."


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