Chapter 13 - Great American Cookies

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Chapter 13

Great American Cookies

"Oh my God....I want that one, that one, that one, and that one," Heather pointed at each cookie, and the worker rolled her eyes, putting them in a bag. Me and Jenny laughed, and I bought the Snickerdoodle cookie. Yum. Then we sat down at the table next to the store, and Jenny stared at us eating the cookies.

"You guys are gonna get fat," she muttered. Heather choked on her sugar cookie, looking at Jenny.

"Mum told me that boys love small girls with curves. You are just jealous that you don't have any," Heather smirked. Jenny gasped, and I laughed.

"Guys, stop fighting. Here, Jenny, have a bite," I stuffed a piece into her mouth, and her frown turned to a scowl. But as she started chewing, she ran back to the worker and bought a Snickerdoodle cookie.

"Wow. I've always tried her to eat a cookie here, but I've never tried to stuff a cookie in her mouth. Good job," Heather whispered.

"Now, about you and Tucker..." I grinned and she blushed. "I saw you guys kissing at Pappy's."

"I don't know. I think I like him, but....Jacob is super protective over me. He doesn't like the fact that I might date his best friend," Heather frowned, munching on sprinkles.

"I know Jacob is your brother, but do what your heart wants. If he doesn't let you date Tucker, the he will be mad, and then Jacob will lose his best friend. So I say you date Tucker," I told her.

"Really? You think so? Thanks, Claire," Heather grinned, and I smiled to myself. I already have two new friends to make me forget about....her.

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