Chapter 25 - Tucker Kissed Jenny

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Chapter 25
Tucker Kissed Jenny

"I can't BELIEVE you!" Jenny pulled away from Tucker and slapped him straight across the face. He recoiled in shock and brought his hand slowly to the red welt that was blooming in color.

Immediately I slammed open my door, and my friends jumped back in surprise. When Tucker saw me, he backed away from Jenny as if she was contagious.

"Oh, what the hell Tucker, I saw and heard everything," I sneered, advancing towards them and pulling Jenny up from my bed.

"We're gonna leave. And you are gonna figure out how to tell Heather." And with that I dragged Jenny out of the room despite Tucker's apologies.

When Jenny closed the door, she let out a quiet sob and leaned against it, closing her eyes.

"I ruined everything. Heather's never gonna forgive me," she mumbles, wiping her eyes.

"It's crazy how things went from you and Sebastian to this," I commented. We both laughed and walked out.

Little did I know relationships would be ruined the next day.

* * *

I looked around Blondies, waiting for Jacob to arrive. He wanted to meet and I, of course, had no problem with this. I missed his smile, his laugh, everything.

"Hey babe." I squealed as Jacob's lips immediately attached to my neck. I turned around and gave him a tight hug, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey yourself. How've you been?" I said, backing away but still staying in his arms.

"Good good. How's Jenny doing? Tucker told me she stopped by for a little while yesterday."

Oh shit.

"He told you that? Yeah...she did, what else did he say?" I stuttered. For a second I saw a flash of doubt in his blue eyes but then he smiled.

"Just that she was feeling down and he tried to cheer her up."

CHEER HER UP?!!? More like make out.

"Yup. That was that." I smiled with all my might, clenching my teeth together tightly.

"Claire what's wrong?" Jacob set down the menu he was holding and leaned forward across the table, sliding his warm hands into my cold ones.

"Nothing. It's just..." I gazed into his eyes and that's when I broke. You can't keep a secret from him Claire. Next thing you know, he'll find out from someone else and get pissed because you didn't tell him.

"TuckerkissedJenny," I told him, saying so fast that he had to think about it until suddenly his jaw clenched.

"He what?" Jacob spit out the words, his grip on my hand tightening until he pulled away suddenly.

"He was only trying to make her feel better and I walked in to find him kissing her but she pulled away immediately and slapped him--" I stopped because my boyfriend didn't appear to be listening. Instead he was staring intently at his phone as the screen lit up.

"Jacob? What is it?" I clenched his arm as he stood up and threw money for the check on the table.

"Heather texted." He ran his hand through his hair and grunted. Then he left Blondies without looking back at me.

There's only one thing I could think of. Heather knows.

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