Chapter 19 - Fourth of July with the Dawson Family

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Chapter 19
Fourth of July with the Dawson Family

"Claire, someone is calling you!" Aunt Delilah called from the living room. I set down my blue nail polish, wattling over to the next room. My toe nails were still imagine a small blonde girl with her heels on the floor, her toes up, walking into a room. The sight isn't pretty.

"Thanks," I held the phone to my ear, saying hello. Then I heard a chorus of voices.

"Sweetie, hi!"
"We miss you so much!"
"Yeah! We'll be there in a few hours, the plane boards in twenty minutes."
"Connor, say hi to Claire!
"Ugh, Claire, Honey, how've you been?"

I smiled, hearing my mom, dad, and brother talking. "I've been well, Mom. But why are you coming?" I really didn't want them here. I know that's rude and all, but...they are embarrassing. Really embarrassing. When Jenny, Heather, and Jacob met them, they would probably dump me, just like my other friends did.

"Sweets, don't tell me you forgot Fourth of July?!" Sh*t. I did forget.

"Oh...oh..." I stole a glance at Tucker, who was watching me talk to my family. His face was priceless, and I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

"But we can only stay for two days. Then I have to leave for work," Dad said.

"OK. Have a nice flight," I smiled. Then I ended the call, taking a deep breath, and biting into a cookie. I stole a glance at Tucker.

"Prepare for horror."

Yes, this was a very very very short chapter. Not even a chapter. And I haven't updated in almost a month, but I've been having writers block and I'm super busy with life. Next update will be very long, and it'll be one update every week. Next one probably on Friday. Bye guys!

-Tera <3

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