Chapter 17 - Friends? Not Anymore

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Chapter 17
Friends? Not Anymore

I collapsed in bed, too tired to even change. Tucker and I had said bye to Heather and Jacob, and Jenny left with Sebastian. Actually, she winked at me as she closed the door to his car. Who knows what they're doing right now.

I heard a ding and looked at my phone. Yes! Finally! My best friends from New York texted me, Gellie, Renae, and Taylor. I clicked on our group chat, smiling.

Gellie: hey girl!
Claire: hi! Guys, I miss u so much. St. Louis isn't the same without my girls ☺️
Renae: yeah, we miss u too..
Taylor: r u gonna tell her?
Renae: why me?! Gellie can do it!
Gellie: no. I'm not the one who decided this.
Claire: guys? What're u talking about?
Taylor: Claire. We're sorry.
Gellie: so so so so sorry
Renae: eh, I'm not that sorry
Claire: is someone gonna explain what's going on??
Taylor: long story short. You're out of the clique
Claire: what do u mean, 'out'?
Renae: we found someone to replace u
Gellie: yeah. Ashley Yoven
Claire: 😨
Renae: sorry. Talk to u later! Jk, lol 😂😂

I stared at the screen, my face turning pale. They...they can't do this. They just can't. Not at all. But soon after Renae's text I got a reminder that said, "You have been blocked from the Barbie Clique.' I felt my eyes water, so I quickly got under the blankets, sobbing my heart out. What did I do?

* * *

"Claire? Claire, darling, wake up," I felt someone shaking my shoulders, and I yawned. But then I smelled my breath and my face scrunched up. Someone laughed, and the blanket was pulled from the bed. I stared at Aunt Delilah. She had a monkey emoji shirt and star leggings (you know, like dark leggings with constellations and stuff). Also, her hair was twisted into a crown braid.

"Get up. Tucker made pancakes," she smiled. I rubbed my eyes, about to get up, but then I remembered what happened last night. So I pulled the blanket around me, hiding my face in a pillow.

"Go away," I muttered. Then I saw Aunt Delilah's sad face, so I smiled.

"I'm sorry. It's just...I don't really feel well. Something happened last night, and...well, do you mind if I stay in bed?"

"Ok. I'm sorry there anything I can do?"

"Call my friends and ask them why they acted so stupid," I whispered into the pillow. Then, out loud, I said, "No, but thanks for asking."

"No prob. I'll go get Tucker, and he'll bring your breakfast." Then Aunt Delilah left before I could go against the idea.

I was halfway asleep when someone pushed me off the bed. Literally. I coughed, my long, blonde hair in my mouth. I swiped at the air, not seeing a thing because of the blanket I was wrapped in. I heard a familiar, deep laugh, and cursed. Of course it was Tucker.

Then I felt the bed shift as he took my spot. I tore the covers off me and stared at him lying there, eating the pancakes that were supposed to be mine. Let me describe this disturbing scene.

A tall, brown haired boy with green eyes was lying with his arm holding him up. He was chewing yummy pancakes, his soft lips half-covered with syrup. And Tucker's long, dark lashes were staring at me teasingly. Any girl would love this. Me? I'm not any girl.

"Get out," I mumbled, taking the tray with pancakes and milk out of his grip.

"Hey! What's up with you? Yesterday you seemed to be having the time of your life with Jacob practically eating off your face," Tucker said. I blushed slightly, sitting on the floor. Tucker shifted, lying on his stomach facing me. He stared for a couple of minutes, like a detective, until I decided to swat his face with my free hand.

"Stop looking at me like that," I muttered. He laughed, drinking some of my milk.

"Seriously, what's up?" he asked again, all serious. I looked down, but then heard another ding on my phone. Tucker looked over, and suddenly frowned. He grabbed my phone, turning on Facebook. Ugh. Curse myself for not setting a password.

"Jesus," he whispered, his jaw tightening. I leaned forward, snatching the phone from his hand. Then I gasped, looking at the picture Gellie posted.

 Then I gasped, looking at the picture Gellie posted

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Hey guys! Big cliffhanger, eh?

So who is ur favorite character so far? Claire, Tucker, Jacob, Jenny, Heather, Sebastian, or Aunt Delilah?

Who do u hate most? Gellie, Taylor, or Renae?

Sorry again for not updating quickly. I've been super busy with 50 Unsent Letters, and in a week school is gonna start. Ugh.

Luv u guys,

Tera 😘

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