Chapter 9 - Agreement in Wasabi

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Chapter 9

Agreement in Wasabi

Now, if I told you that I dressed for dinner without help, that would be a lie. Tucker helped me. Literally.

"OK, so Jacob likes girls who don't show too much, because he likes them to be conserva--"

"Tucker, stop!" I cut him off, walking the short dress he held out of his hand. His jaw dropped, and he stared at me with his big, green eyes. Then, like nothing happened, he walked back into my closet. I heard Tucker making a mess, so I sighed.

"Dude, can't I just wear sweatpants and a hoodie?" Tucker looked at me and his eyes almost rolled back into his head.

"No. Absolutely not, Claire. If I was the one bringing you on the date, I would drop you off at a gas station after seeing what you're wearing."

"How rude," I gasped, putting a hand on my heart. He laughed, and then Tucker shoved me into the bathroom, with a set of clothes.

"Try these on," then he shut the door. I sighed, looking at the clothes. They weren't half bad.

I took off my clothes, and then grabbed the first item in the pile, a white top. I slipped it on, and found it surprisingly comfortable. Aunt Delilah bought me the nicest clothes I could ask for. Then I put on a blue skirt, that wasn't too long, but it wasn't too short either. Tucker also got me a pair of black wedge high heels, so I buckled those on. When I was done, I brushed my long, blonde hair and grabbed my purse. 

Next was makeup. Suddenly, Tucker banged on the door, telling me to hurry up. So I quickly added some blush and a light lip gloss. Then mascara, because it's a definite need. Done.

When I opened the door, stepping into the room, Tucker started blushing. 

" look, um...decent," he mumbled. Then he cleared his throat, looking back into my eyes.

"Awe, are you jealous?" I teased him, ruffling his hair. He moved my hand and shook his head.

"Jealous? Heck no. Technically, we're like brother and sister. So that would be weird," Tucker pointed out. I laughed, then looked back at my outfit in the mirror, frowning.

"Are you sure I look fine?"

Tucker came up behind me, putting his hands on my shoulder. "You look great. Just be careful. Jacob won't be able to keep his hands off you."

Then I left the apartment, heading to Wasabi in Aunt Delilah's car.

* * *

"Breath in, breath out. Remember Claire, you don't like Jacob. You don't like Jacob," I mumbled to myself, walking inside Wasabi. It was a little restaurant, with red walls and Chinese paintings. I looked around, trying to spot Jacob, when I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist.

"Hey Claire," Jacob said. I quickly spun around, moving away from his grip. When he saw me, he started blushing, like Tucker did. 

"You look...beautiful...." he mumbled. I mentally rolled my eyes, but really I was happy that he complimented me. No, Claire. Stop.

"Let's go sit down," Jacob said, out of his trance. He led me to a table, and he pulled out my chair. I muttered a quick thank you and sat down. 

"Hi, velcome to Vasabi. Vat can I get you?" the waiter asked. I tried not to laugh at her accent, while Jacob ordered our sushi. When the lady left, my laughter exploded. Jacob also started smiling.

"Oh my god, did you hear that frickin accent?"

"Ya. Vat is vrong with the vorld? Vhy am I speaking in this accent, even though I'm at Vasabi, a chinese place? Vat is vrong with this vorld?" Jacob babbled, imitating her.

"You...are...too..funny!" I giggled. Then he smirked at me, leaning closer, and cupping my chin in his hand.

"That's one of my many traits, Sweetheart. Want to see more?" I felt his warm breath on my face, and it smelled like breath mints...but I cleared my throat, taking a sip of water.

"No thank you," I said simply. He looked surprise, than he grinned again.

"Let's make a bet. I'll make you like me, and if you do, you have to be my girlfriend," he said.

"And what if I don't agree to this bet?" I questioned. Claire, don't do this, my instinct said. But I really wanted to.

"If you end up not liking me, than I'll never talk to you again."

For a few minutes, I thought. And thought. And thought and thought and thought and thought. Finally, I came to a decision.

"OK. Deal. But, I'll only do this if I can make the rules."

"Depends on the rules, Love," Jacob smiled. I took out a paper and pencil from my purse and started writing:

The Rules of Making Claire Fall in Love with Jacob

1. No kissing for more than two times a day

2. No using chocolates or candy or anything to bribe Claire

3. No telling anyone that we're boyfriend and girlfriend

4. No attacking or trying to kiss Claire without her permission

I watched Jacob's face as he read the rules. For each one, he had a different expression. Sometimes he laughed, sometimes he frowned, and sometimes he scoffed. When he was done, he looked at me.

"Wow. This makes everything easier, doesn't it," Jacob said, sarcasm dripping in each word.

"These are my rules. If you don't want to follow them, then no deal." Inside, I smiled to myself. There is no way he will agree to any of this, that's why I made it difficult.

"OK. Fine. I agree. We start tomorrow," he gulped, shaking my hand. I gaped, mentally killing myself. What have I got myself into? This is why I'm never gonna make an agreement in Wasabi.


yes guys, i know this is a long chapter. took me probably twenty minutes and my fingers hurt from typing 😫

contest: come up with a ship name for Claire and Jacob. YOU MAY ONLY SAY ONE SHIP NAME!!! Best one gets a dedication. luv u guys! contest ends tomorrow.


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