Chapter 16 - A History of Tucker Watson

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Chapter 16
A History of Tucker Watson
Told in Tucker's POV

- 2 years ago -

"Jesus, woman, you can be so selfish sometimes!"

"Not as selfish as you, jerk."

"Marie, just shut the f--"

"Language! Have you not forgotten we have a son sleeping in the room next to us?!"

"Oh, who frickin cares. He's fifteen, Marie! Let him hear anger!"

"This all wouldn't have started if you hadn't hooked up with...with that girl!"

"Kendra's only thirty, she's not a girl. She's a woman."

"Oh, what the hell, Rob. I can't take this anymore. Why?!"

"Babe, I can't take you asking for money when you don't even frickin work! I'm the only one working, the only one who actually supports this family. All you've been doing since your stupid dad died is moping around. I need a wife who will work, and actually do something!"

"I don't do anything?! All I've done since you've started working in that frickin corporal office is wait for you to come home. Wait for you to come say goodnight to your son, who you only see a couple of times a year. And then I find out you cheat on me with that girl you call a 'woman'. How do you think that makes me feel?"

"I don't care anymore, Marie. We're over."

As soon as I heard my dad slam the door to the bathroom, I went back to my room, tears falling down my cheeks. Stop crying, Tucker. Be a man. That's what Dad would say. But I guess he's not my dad anymore.

- 1 year ago -

In the span of one whole year, my life was ruined. Mom and Dad divorced, and he married Kendra Morrison (now Watson) a month later. Huh, there's some respect... just kidding. Mom couldn't handle working two jobs, so our next door neighbor in the apartment we live in offered to take care of me. I really didn't think Mom would say yes. But she did. So now I have to live in a strange lady's apartment, and my mother is  almost a thousand miles away in New York. Seems like a great life, huh? No until your actually living it.

- Present Time -

I've had a rough life. But I've been living with Aunt Delilah for a year, and things have seemed fine. She's almost like a mother to me. And I would do anything to protect her. Even Claire. She wants to know why I'm so protective over her her? Because I know if I lose her, I'll lose everything. She's the only family I have left in St. Louis. Yes, I know she's not really family. But...she and Aunt Delilah are the only family I have right now.

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