Chapter 1 - A Surprise Gone Bad

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Chapter 1

A Surprise Gone Bad

"Sweetie, come downstairs! Your father is here!" My mom announced from the kitchen. I shot up from my computer and quickly said goodbye to my friend, Emma. Then I walked into the hallway, knocking on my brother's door.

"Connor, dad is home!" I screamed, jumping up and down. I couldn't hear his reply, so I opened to door. There he was, my younger brother, playing the guitar with earbuds and his eyes closed. I ran up to him, yanking the cord from the guitar. The room filled with silence.

Connor stared at me, his eyes getting a darker shade of blue. His jaw was clenched hard, and I laughed, slowly taking the guitar out of his grip.

"Dad is home," I repeated slowly. Connor stood up.

"I. Am. Not. A. Boy. With. Mental. Issues. Do not repeat anything to me again," he growled. I rolled my eyes, heading out of the room. Thirteen year old brothers, they don't listen to anything.

My feet pounded against the steps as I ran down. When I got to the bottom, I saw my dad, his arms open wide. "Daddy!" I squealed, jumping into his hug. His hearty laugh filled the room, and I squeezed him tighter, not wanting to let go. He put me down and gave Connor a hard handshake.

"Geez, dad, make your grip lighter," he muttered, leaving the room. Mom cleared her throat.

"Connor Patti Dawson, get back here," she yelled. Connor backed up, his hands clenched, knuckles turning white.

"Mom. I changed my middle name. Its Connor Daniel Dawson," he said. I grinned, and mom let out a giggle.

"Now, we have a huge surprise," dad smiled. My eyes opened wide and I jumped up and down. 

"What is it?" I said, like a little kid asking for candy.

" are going to spend the summer with Aunt Delilah in St. Louis," Mom announced. 

Me and Connor looked each other. He looked mad; I looked disgusted. 

"Why her?" Connor complained at the same time I said, "Why me?"

"Claire Dawson. You are going. Connor, you shouldn't be upset. We're gonna go up there and see them for Fourth of July," Dad said.

"Yeah, but why do I have to go stay with Aunt Delilah?!? She's a nutcase!" I exclaimed angrily. Mom and Dad exchanged a sour look, and then they looked at me.

"Claire....did you choose a college yet?" Mom whispered.

"No. I didn't get any acceptance letters yet," I mumbled, looking down. Again, Mom and Dad looked at each other strangely. 

"Do you want to tell her? Or should I?" Dad asked quietly. Mom nodded, and Dad took a huge breath.

"Claire, you got accepted into Washington University!" Dad exclaimed. Mom squealed, taking me into a hug.

"But...I can't go to a college in St. Louis," I mumbled.

"Why not?" Mom asked, confused.

"You know what happened there with....with you-know-who. I can't go there again," I said, tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"It's final. You're going. In fact, I already packed what you need. Your father is gonna drive you to the airport in two hours."

"No!" I screamed, running up my room. Wow. A surprise gone bad.

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