Chemo and comas

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Emmi POV

I laid in the bed next to Avia's. Today was my first chemo treatment. I really wish that Avia was awake for this. It's been a week since she slipped into her coma.

Because I have to get chemo done as well, I have been staying here with her. Avia is constantly under watch by me, Mom, and Dad. Gavin, Brock, and Daxton are usually with Aunt Kayli. Today, however she has to take Braille to the doctor. So, the boys are her with us today.

Vlogs have been short about five mimutes each. Dad is vlogging now though, so at least we're documenting my pain... Yay.

"Dad, will it hurt?" I asked terrified.

"Only methotrexate shot." I frantically looked around at the sound of the voice. I looked to the right of me and tears were forming at the corners of my eyes.

"Avia! You're awake!" I screamed as she lifted herself into a sitting position.

Avia's POV

"Dad, will it hurt?" I heard the voice and registered that it was Emmi. I realized that she was talking about chemo.

I decided to answer, "Only methotrexate shot."

Emmi shot up at my voice and Mom gasped. "Avia! You're awake!" She screamed as I struggled to sit up.

"Shhh... Emmi, my head hurts." I complained. "What happened anyway?" I asked quietly. I brought my hand up to my aching head and felt a bandana covering my bald scalp.

"Well, Avia, when you were going downstairs your crutches slipped and you toppled down the stairs." Mom said crying.

"I ran down to you and sat next to you and watch as your eyes closed. I was really scared, I thought you were gone." Emmi was talking now, fighting off tears." Then, you started to shake and jerk around. Dad ran down and lifted you after you stopped and went limp. I was crying and mom carried me to the car as Dad carried you. They said you were in a coma. You've been asleep for a week!." She was rambling, and I was trying to wrap my head around everything.

"Aya!" I heard Daxton yell in his adorable three year old voice. I winced as he yelled. "Picture picture!" He yelled and shoved a drawing on my bed. It was a bunch of scribbles, but I loved it anyways.

I tried and failed to get up and walk around. Once my parents weren't looking I tried to get up and as soon as I put pressure on my legs, I basically collapsed onto the floor. Dad heard me yelp when I hit the floor and he picked me up and sat me on the bed.

"Avia, you have to be more careful." dad sat next to me on the bed.

"I'm hungry." I changed the subject.

"Gavin will be back with some food soon, baby." Mom said this, and I realised that.they.had been vlogging.the.while time.

I sighed loudly as doctor Alex came in with a Chemo bag. He did a double take when he saw me sitting up on the bed with my eyes open.

"Avia, you're awake let me go get your chemo treatment set up. I'm happy to see you up." he said before leaving.the room. Just then, Gavin and Brock came in each carrying a tray of food.

"Avia, you're awake!" Gavin screamed before sitting the tray on a counter and enveloping me in a hug. Mom handed me a sandwich and I pushed it away.

"Avia, I thought you were hungry." Mom said looking concerned.

"I lost my appetite when the doctor mentioned Chemo." I explained.

"At least take this,"She handed me a slushie, which I took warily and started to drink it.

When I was finished, the doctor hooked Emmi up to her chemo. I held her hand and she squeezed as he did the methotrexate shot. Now it was my turn.

We did chemo and went home. I fell asleep on the couch with Emmi.

At around 2 AM I woke up to Emmi shaking me.

"Avia, I don't feel good." I knew that the chemo was hard on her system. I got up with my crutches and hobbled to the buckets in the kitchen. I dragged both back to Emmi and sat next to her. I held her hair back as she emptied the contents of her stomach into the bucket. She slouched back into me and we fell asleep once again.

About an hour later, I woke up with a bad feeling in my stomach. Emmi stirred and woke up.

"Avia, you okay?" I opened my mouth to answer, but when I did I ended up throwing up onto the floor next to the bucket and couch. I heard Emmi run some where. I heaved again and again my body shaking with each heave. By now, I was praying to stop.

Suddenly, Mom is rubbing soothing circles onto my back, while dad cleaned up the floor.

"I'm sorry Dad." I felt bad for making him do this.

"Baby, it's okay, it's not your fault. The Chemo has some pretty horrible side effects doesn't it." he responded before sitting with Emmi and I on the couch.

"Dad, when my hair.falls out, can I get a wig?"Emmi asked looking up at dad.

"Of course Loofus," he replied stroking her dirty blonde hair.

We sat for a while just talking. I couldn't go to sleep and neither could Emmi. Mom was next to me on one side and Emmi on the other dad was next to her. I looked at Emmi and realised that she was crying.

"Em, what's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"I'm not brave enough," she replied.

"Emmi, listen to me, you are brave you are beautiful there are so many children whom if they were in your position would just give up as soon as they got the news. You are brave and strong, and more importantly, you are a fighter... Remember that, always" I said crying from the truth behind my words.

I had meant to do a 2000 word chapter but writers block and going back to school and babysitting along with this chapter just got to my brain sorry but at least I update actively...

TTYL XOX~ TheCreepyChicWriter

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