Not today

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I looked up in the complete whiteness, I saw two figures floating down toward me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, confused.

"Avia, listen, we are your guardian angels." the brown haired one said.

Another with blonde hair added, "someone isn't ready for you to leave just yet," just then, I heard a scream... Not just any scream, Emmi's scream.

"How do I get to her?" I asked frantically.

"You will go back to your family Avia, God is not ready for you just yet... Not today." they said together. The white world faded into black.


I gasped as I opened my eyes. Emmi was crying silently in the bed next to me.

"Emmi?" I said quietly. No one heard me. I looked toward the machine. It began to beep once again. Gavin looked to me and screamed.

"Avia! I-i thought you were g-gone." he ran to my bed, crying and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back and laughed.

"God wasn't ready for me just yet. Emmi wasn't ready for me to go either." I said weakly, recalling her scream from my conversation with the angels.


"I was about to go, I think. There were two angels... They said they were my guardians. They said that someone here still needed me. I heard Emmi scream. They said God wasn't ready for me just yet. I woke up to all of you hugging and crying." I explained to my family, Emmi had moved to my bed.

"I wasn't ready for you to leave, not today." Emmi cried into me.

Everyone was hugging, as Dad vlogged... "I'm sorry guys, I didn't mean to scare all of you like that on Twitter. She's awake, she came back to us. We are truly blessed. Thank you God..." Dad said into the camera. The effects from chemo started to kick in, and I threw up all over myself and Emmi.

"I'm sorry Emmi, It was an accident I'm so sorry." I said, scared that she'd be angry.

"Honestly, Avia, I couldn't care less... You're still with us, and that's all that matters."

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