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I am slowly getting better as is Emmi. To day we are going shopping for Halloween costumes. I want be my hero...

Emmi and I were looking for her costume while Mom looked at make-up. Though I had my crutches with me, I was using a store wheelchair, as was Emmi. I was wearing a black baseball cap over my bald scalp, and a 21 Pilots short along with some jeans and Nike shoes. Emmi was wearing the same thing except, her cap was red. The caps were of course Trixin. Emmi decided she didn't want to deal with a wig so... Twinsies!

We roll through the girl costume and pick out a few before going to the dressing rooms.I adjusted my crutches to fit Emmi and let her hobble into the dressing room.

After a while, Emmi came out with the one she wanted. Mom came over and we all we to checkout, where things got real.

Emmi and I went to use the bathroom and as we rolled over to the restrooms, a man ran to is shouting.

"Woah, young men, you can't go in there, and quit using those wheelchairs. They're for those with disabilities!"

"Sir, we're women and both are disabled." Emmi spoke up.

"I don't believe you. Now get up and walk like everyone else!" I tried to grab my crutches, but he pulled them away. "Your legs aren't broken." he screamed at me. I tried to explain, but before I could start he yanked me up by the arm and screamed, " I told you to stand!" he let go of me and I landed on the floor. I saw him pick Emmi up and drop her next to me. He walked away with my crutches and both wheelchairs leaving Emmi and I on the ground. A girl came up to us and kicked Emmi right in her port.

"That is what you get for spying on girls in the bathroom!" she kicked my back as well.

"Will everyone please stop?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could barely breathe. Mom heard iws and ran toward us.
"WE... ARE... GIRLS... WE... HAVE CANCER!!!" I yelped out as I struggled to breath. Everything went dark.

Collette POV

Avia's eyes closed and she started to jerk.

"Help, someone, help. Call 911 she's having a seizure!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I sat crying with the groceries all around us.

Short Chapter... I know, but I am really busy right now... My friend and I are currently trying to convince our principle to let us set up a school store...

TTYL XOX~ TheCreepyChicWriter

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