Is She Okay? part 1

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Braille's POV

I sit, looking at Avia, when she begins to cough harshly. My face forms into a worried frown. She coughs again, her body shaking from the force. She pulls away from the spot where she coughed, that's when I see it. Scarlet against the white sheets, blood. Avia's blood.

"Gage, get a doctor. Go, now!" Gage runs out of the room, and Emmi sits up in her bed.

"Braille? What's going on?" tears run down her pallor face.

"She's coughing up blood." Avia's eyes close, and she goes limp. All the worst case scenarios run through my mind, as I state blankly at my cousin's pale face. Blood stains the side of her cheek. The world muffles as Joy runs in. A doctor pulls me aside, and I feel numb. I know what just happened isn't good at all. I feel a weight on my chest, that isn't there. It becomes harder to breathe as the tears choke me. A kind nurse pulls me aside, noticing me hyperventilating.

"Shh, honey. Avia's going to be just fine, okay?" her voice is muffled and I nod at her, numbly. "Okay, breathe in, breathe out." I follow her instructions.

"I can't, can't breathe." the words come out choked. I shake my head, running my hands through my hair. My mind is racing.

She takes hold of my hands, trying to calm me down. "Shh, honey. You're having a panic attack, just calm down. It's okay. Shh honey Shh."

"But it it's not okay. Avia, blood." tears stream down my face as I gasp for breathe between the words. I begin to feel lightkeaded, as the nurse continues to try to calm me down.

Emmi's POV

I watch in terror as the lifeless form of my sister is hooked up to machine after machine.

"I need an AMBU. She can't breathe on her own." One doctor yells across the room to a make nurse. The nurse digs around in the cabinets and comes up empty-handed.

"Who stocked this room? These are all to big!" I curl up in a tight ball, this is just like before, and I wanna block out all the bad.

"Give me the smallest you can find, it'll do for a few minutes. Grace, Go down to the E.R. and get a child one. Hannah, go get Joy!" The female doctor barks orders to the others, unable to keep the worry out of her voice.

"Is this good?" I hear the male ask.

"It'll do, but not for long. She's losing air fast, and there's fluid in her lungs. Pneumonia, probably, she has a fever. Grab the thermometer." I uncurl myself and lay stretched out on my back. I feel numb, I glance to my sister, seeing her hooked up to a mask that doesn't fit completely. "Her pulse is weak, we need that AMBU, and we need it quick. A nurse with platinum hair, runs in carrying four small masks. " Thank you Grace, we need to get her hooked up and quick." I curl back into my ball, holding my knees to my head, silently sobbing.

"Emmi?" a soft voice fills my ears, and I uncurl again. "Hi Em, I'm Grace. Your sister is having a bit of trouble right now, but don't worry we'll fix her up." tears cascaded down my cheeks, as she sat next to me. "Hey, can I show you the reason I want to become an oncolgist?" I look at her and nod silently. She reaches for the top of the uniform she wears, pulling away a part of her her shirt. What I see is a scar, where a port would have been.

"You had cancer?" I look at her in awe.

"I was diagnosed when I was thirteen, I can't imagine what it must be like at nine. Anyway, I was in a place very similar to Avia. There was fluid in my left lung, I was unable to breathe. I was losing oxygen, and my pulse was really low. I couldn't even keep water down." she grimaces at the memory. "I was just a kid, and I was dying. I strived to be like the doctors who helped me. They were so brave, so smart. I wanted to be just like them. I was fifteen when I first went into remission. I started highschool and worked toward becoming a doctor. Then, that dream was put on hold when I relapsed at seventeen. I couldn't go to prom, my boyfriend was cheating on me, and my friends all turned on me. That may seem like a lot to handle, but I was alive. They gave me a thirty percent chance of living. It was a small chance, but I'm still alive. I got to college, after I went into remission for the second time. I'm now getting my last degree in order to be a child oncologist. I'm twenty seven, I have an amazing husband, and I have two baby girls. Dakota Marie Hudson, and Jennifer Kyra Hudson, they're both two years old. I love them to death! Don't worry, Avia will be okay."

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