I was watching Alonzo Lerone's 'biggest a fails on the internet' and I saw this:
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(Not to stuff my dick in a toaster)But...
Things Anime Characters Would ask Yahoo Answers:
Alois: "how do you get your butler to stay away from your boyfriend? I just can't take it anymore!"
Ciel: "My butler won't make me any more cake this is an emergency"
Sebastian: "I can't eat my young masters soul? It seems to be happening more and more to me"
Kaneki: "How do you cook your best friend? Should I use the oven or the microwave or just eat him raw?"
Hide: "My bffl is trying to eat me? Should I let him or?"
Juuzou: "all my friends think I'm a psycho? Should I just kill them?"
Light: "L thinks I'm Kira. What do I do?"
L: "I think Light-Khun is Kira. My issue is I'm in love with him so"
Misa: "I think my boyfriend's gay? He's hand cuffed to another man"
Misaki: "my brothers friend who loves him is now having sex with me. Will I get pregnant?"
Usagi-San: "my pervious crushes little brother is hot as fuck. I don't know what to do"
Shoyo: "My boyfriend keeps hitting me in the face with balls. Volley balls I mean."
Tobio: "I have a smol boyfriend. Is that illegal?"