Gravitation In A Nutshell

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I'm into this new anime called Gravitation and I'm on episode three...

It's one of the stupidest animes I've watched but I fucking love it.

Here's the first 3 episodes of Gravitation in a nutshell;

Basically there's this guy named Shindo he is the lead singer of a band named bad luck and his friend long hair plays the guitar for it. Shindo's trying to come up with a new song and he goes to the park where his lyrics fly away and hit some blonde guy in the face. Moody blonde says "these lyrics are shit and ur shit" and Shindo becomes Shito and is all sad about it so he doesn't even write a song he just has nothing so his manager tries to jump out a window but Shito goes to help him along with long hair but long hair says "lmao Shito u gay af" and Shito says "no" but then proceeds to leave to find moody blonde. He finds moody blonde in his car on the road fucking driving and runs in front of his car. Then they are back at moody blondes house (literally no transition) and Shito is like "why do u hate my lyrics" and moody blonde is like "cos every yaoi has to have an asshole. Also I smoke to further the fact that I'm am ass hole" and then Shito is like "come to my concert actually don't" and that's the end of that.

Next day Shito wrote a song to spite moody blonde and long hair is like "oh look moody blondes on tv is name is yuki" and shito's eating Pocky just in case u forgot this was a yaoi. Shito goes back to Yuki's house and is greeted with Yuki's sister and Yuki's like "no Shito is my new boy toy" and his sisters like "wtf bye" and then Shito and Yuki kiss in an elevator.

So then next day Shito and his band is are practicing and then a car breaks the wall and Yuki's sister comes out of it and says "get in Shito were going shopping" and he does. Yuki's sister's husband is the guy who runs the record label that Shito and his band bad luck is signed to cos this plot is all over the place. So then Yuki's sis is like "Shito talk to Yuki about his family" and Shito does but Yuki doesn't say shit cos family drama is just great plot driving shit apparently. So after its Shito's concert and Yuki goes and Shito sees him and won't sing so this other guy who Shito likes comes on stage and sings with him. Shito goes to see Yuki and Yuki's like "lmao ur cute" and they bonk.

Next day The record label fires Shito's manager, and gets another guy to be in there band. Shito doesn't like that throws a fit, hits long hair guy and runs out of the studio crying. Long haired guy goes to Yuki's house and says "hey you should fuck Shito more so he won't be mad about our band changes" and Yuki's like "I got you fam" and then Shito and him bonk again and Shito is fine with the band changes.

**this is a new series I'm thinking of doing called Animes in a Nutshell where I basically summarize an anime (or portion of one) in a funny way, you guys like it so far?? Lemme know in the comments!

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