Letter #2

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Your heart's against my chest
Lips pressed to my neck
I've fallen for your eyes
But they don't know me yet.

-Ed Sheeran, Kiss me.

Dear June,

How are you? You've been down lately? What are you worried about? What do you fear? Have you eaten? Have you slept? Are you hurt? What is it you want? How can I help?

Questions questions questions....

Seems simple doesn't it? Seems normal. Well... normal to everyone else at least. Not to you now, Because God forbid you have a normal sane life.

It's okay, you know. To be crazy. To have bad days. To not believe in the "magic" of life, or whatever the hell they tell you to believe in nowadays to keep you interested.

You know what? I can sum up life in one word. Hilarious.

It's funny to watch people. Everyone pretending to be okay but just wanting to scream and run. Everyone putting on a brave face but in reality being very very afraid.

Or maybe it's just you. I find that funny as well.

I know he talked to you today. In class. He just came up to you and started a conversation. Everybody stared. What was the cute boy doing talking to the weird girl? He probably made a mistake. He's new. He'll learn.

You know what I think? I think he surprised you. You used to like surprises when you were younger. Do you remember? I do.

It was like... like the most normal thing that he could have done. A smile plastered on his face he came up to and said 'Hello'.

And god, what did you do? You looked at him and said, 'You may have the wrong table'. The fuck is wrong with you June?! I know you're stupid but this is fucking mental.

Well it was obvious that he would laugh. But I bet you didn't know how much you would be transfixed by his laughter.

He asked you what your name was. You told him it was June Callahan. You asked him what his was. He said he was Declan Hunter. Class commenced and you lapsed into silence.

Why is it that you haven't been aware of everything around you ever since?

I can almost picture it right know if I close my eyes. Sunlight poured into the room bathing everything in a light golden colour. Declan tapped his pencil lightly on the edge of his desk creating a rhythm which matched your racing heartbeat. His green eyes skimmed through the words in his history book as the teacher droned on about World War 2.

Suddenly he looked left, where you happened to be sitting, and caught you staring at him. A blush creeps up your cheek as you clear your throat and look away. Your heart skips a beat as you feel his green eyes still on you..

Feeling self-conscious you look at him and say, 'What?'

'Nothing', he says in the most casual of ways.

'Then stop looking at me,'  you glare at him annoyed.

'I don't think I can do that,' he says shrugging his shoulders.

Surprised you ask him why.

He smiles and says,' Well June it's a question of whether I can't or I won't. And I can't  simply stop looking at you.'

You laugh. 'Smooth. Real smooth.'

He shrugs again. 'I think it's my charm which has got you transfixed sunshine'.

Sure you laugh it off then, but do you know what I think? I think that green is going to be your new favourite colour.


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