Letter #3

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Everything will change,

Nothing stays the same,

Nobody is perfect,

But everyone's to blame.

-Andrew Belle, In my veins.

Dear June,

Deep breaths. Count to ten. Take a step. Take another step. You can do this. You've got this. Just breathe.

I'm looking in the mirror. You know what I see? I see a seventeen year old girl who tries so hard to be indifferent. Tries so hard not to feel. Because feeling means hurting, and you've had enough of pain.

You let your hair down to cover those bags under your eyes. You wear full sleeves to hide those ugly scars on your wrist. You walk with your head down so that you're not noticed in school. Your parents don't realize, because to them you are still their perfect little girl. Perfect little girl.

What happened to you? Was it the pressure? Was it the depression? Was it the loneliness? What was it? Do you know, or can you not comprehend what I am saying?

I wish I could answer those questions. But what if I could? What if I could take you back to that one moment when everything came crashing down? When everything fell apart. When you felt like somebody was trying to beat you down.

But I can't. I can't explain the emptiness of your heart.


God sometimes you just want to scream, don't you? But you can't. Because the world wasn't made for people like you. The world wasn't made for screaming lunatics. You're expected to take it  in your stride. Accept the pain. Accept the blows. Accept the emptiness. Shut up. Don't speak about. Don't think. Breathe. It'll be alright. One step in front of the other.


You're not complaining, are you?


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