Wasting time.

30 6 3

Tell me, why are we wasting time
On all this wasted crying?
When you could be with me instead.

-Shawn Mendes, Treat you Better.

3:00 AM.

Declan: You awake?

June: Yeah.

June: Is everything alright?

Declan: If I ask you something, you won't slap me will you?

June: The chances are high. I'm not making any promises.

Declan: I'm going to ignore that hurtful statement.

June: So mature.

Declan: Thank you. Now shut up.

June: What do you want?


June: Declan??


Declan: Why do you hate me?

June: What?? Where's all this coming from?

Declan: Where do you think? We haven't had a proper conversation since that dumb day at the parking lot.

June: Declan.

Declan: You've just shut me out sunshine. You didn't even give me a chance.

June: Can we not do this?

Declan: Why the fuck not?

June: Because for gods sake! Aren't you tired of this shit already?!

Declan: Why are you so eager to get rid of me?

June: So now I'm the bad guy? Perfect.

Declan: You know what your problem is?!

June: Shut up.

Declan: You fucking over think everything. Why must you always think the worst of me?!

June: That's not true.

Declan: Can't you accept that I made an idiotic mistake sunshine?? Or is your brain too underdeveloped to process this information.

June: You're an asshole. End of story.

Declan: Thanks. Appreciate it.

June: If you're quite done then I'm going to sleep.

Declan: No! Wait. I'm sorry okay.

June: We've been through this.

Declan: Then let's go through it again.

June: Its three on the morning! You have the worst fucking time in the world !

Declan: Give me a chance. Say you will. I'll keep spamming you if you don't.

June: You're an idiot.

Declan: come on sunshine. I know you miss me.

June: Fuck off.

Declan: Such sweetness.

June: Fine.

Declan: Huh?

June: I have missed you.

Declan: I fucking KNEW IT.

June: Go to sleep asshole -.-

Declan: Sweet dreams sunshine ;)

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