Letter #8

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'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it.

-Jason Mraz, I won't give up.

Dear June,

Let it happen. Don't control it. Let it flow like a red waterfall. Let your heart work harder to keep you alive.

Do you feel that? That beautiful numbing sensation? It starts from your chest and then slowly spreads all over your body.

You can't think, don't try to. You want to stop the blood from flowing, you don't have to. You want to close your eyes, but you keep them wide open. Your senses shut down- one by one.

And all you are aware of is the pain.

It's so simple. You just bring the blade down- once, twice, thrice. Your breathing is shallow. And you forget, if only for one beautiful moment, the pain in your head, the pain in your heart. This other pain that I'm talking about isn't physical- it's emotional.

Only pain can override pain- hasn't life taught you that?

But a pair of twinkling green eyes flashes across your mind. Your resolve staggers. His smile becomes more prominent in your mind, and if you close your eyes you can hear him saying your name, you can feel him touching your skin, laughing at all your jokes.

Unconsciously, you press a finger to the cut on your arm. And just like that the pain stops.

But which one? The emotional one or the physical one?


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