Letter #11

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I wondered how you still remembered me
I know its been so long but I did not expect to see
Oh, how beautiful you are
I guess that all the time apart has done you well.

-Kodaline, Moving On.

Dear June,

It's happening again. That feeling of terror and uncertainty. It's coming back.

It is so easy, is it not, for them? They do not understand what the consequences of their actions could be. I just need them to stop screaming in my head. I need them to stop.

Today, my mom found out that my "perfect" grades had slipped a bit. Needless to say she was disappointed. She yelled at me. My father looked at men with those cold eyes of his.

I hate it when I am not good enough.

I hate it when they start talking about other kids and how well they are doing. I hate it when they wished that I was like them.

I hate it when people shout. I find it unpleasant. I find it unnecessary. I find it hurtful.

So here I am.

It is 3 AM.

My parents want better grades so I have to start working harder.

Have you ever cried in the bathroom?


The fact that you have to hide your tears might just mean that you know nobody's going to understand them. You know that they will call you unreasonable. You know that they will say all these things to you just to make you stop crying.

But they never say the things they should. The things that would honestly help. They never ever do that.

What they say does not reassure me, it hurts me.

What they say, they don't mean.

So yeah. I hope you don't cry in the bathroom.

Hell, I hope you don't cry at all.

But I guess we've all had those moments.

At night. Silent tears streaming down your face, drenching your pillow case. You, choking down your sobs so that nobody hears you.

Then you wake up in the morning and he reason for your tears seems silly all of a sudden. All you need go sorry about are your swollen eyes, and your head ache.

Thing is, it's different for me.

Unfortunately I don't ever wake up.

I'm not able to forget.

But I want to. Fuck I want to.

The only person who had managed to pull me out if this, managed to kick me right back in again.

Betrayal's a bitch.

Don't you ever forget that.


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