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The Resistance base seemed overtaken by two very different energies the morning of the exchange: half of the people walking around seemed on edge, nervous about the possible outcomes of the meeting. The other half were elated, the end of the war beginning to seem very real.

These two mindsets were illustrated in the moods of Poe and Rey as we sat down to eat breakfast together. Finn was nowhere to be seen, probably in a last-minute consultation.

Rey was tense, jumping at small sounds and snapping at people in an uncharacteristically impatient manner. I caught her staring at me several times, but didn't challenge her—I, too was a bit nervous, although I wasn't entirely sure why.

Poe was practically vibrating with excitement. He flashed me a wide grin as I sat down beside him, nudging my shoulder with his.

"You excited, Callie?"

"It'll be nice to be home." I gave him a small smile.

"You know, once the war is over and everyone is peaceful, you should come visit. Then you could bother Rey some more." He smiled cheekily in her direction.

She just rolled her eyes, her foot tapping against the ground.

I laughed lightly. "It'll be strange for there to be no war. What are we going to do with our lives?"

Poe shrugged, stuffing a piece of bread in his mouth. "Stargaze? Climb trees?"

I shook my head softly as I smiled down at my plate. "That sounds good to me."

But I wasn't sure it would be that easy. Even if there was no war, I couldn't believe that the entire Stormtrooper program would be simply dismissed, every soldier released into the world to do as they pleased. No, I was almost certain we would be kept at the First Order base—the question was for what.

Poe's eyes widened, completely oblivious of my ominous thoughts. He glanced across the table at Rey. "Where are we going to live? I'm going to have to find my own place." He shuddered.

Rey's foot stopped tapping. "I'm sure we'll have a place to live here if we want. They aren't just going to kick us out."

Poe chewed thoughtfully. "That's probably true. I wonder where Finn's going." He gazed off into the distance.

We finished our meals, Rey and I completely silent while Poe rambled on about various topics concerning post-war life.

In less than twenty-four hours, I will be home. The thought made my heart warm. In less than twelve hours, I will see Kylo.

I felt a tug of longing. It felt like I had been here for ages, even though I knew it had only been a matter of days. I missed Malia and Kylo. I missed Mason. I missed the familiar hallways, the smell of the hospital wing. I missed the comfort of Kylo's room, and the comforting quiet that we had become so accustomed to.

I was broken out of my thoughts by a nudge in my side. Poe was watching me with a knowing smile.

"You ready?"

My eyes widened. "Are we leaving now?"

He grinned and nodded, standing up. "I would tell you to pack your things, but you didn't exactly come with a lot of baggage."

I narrowed my eyes at him, but couldn't fight off a grudging smile. "Let's go."

I gave Rey one last glance as we left. She gave me a curt nod, unsmiling. I returned it, swallowing nervously.

This was it. I felt a rush of giddiness at the idea that I was finally going home.

Poe and I made our way out the large rolling doors and across the tarmac to where a ship was waiting, its ramp lowered and armed guards standing on either side.

"You know, just because we're friends now doesn't mean I can go easy on you if we see each other in battle." I eyed him cheekily.

Poe grinned. "Not that I would want it any other way."

I gave his shoulder a friendly shove. "I think I'll almost miss you."

He wrinkled his nose. "I'm not sure I'll miss you, though."

I let out a barking laugh, and he pulled me in for a one-armed hug, a broad smile across his face.

"Rebel Scum." I stepped back and gave him a salute.

"First Order Trash." He returned it, giving me a quick wink before turning and disappearing into the main building to prepare for the meeting.

I watched him go, confused as to why I was almost sad to be leaving. I took one last glance around the tarmac, taking in the tall trees and patches of grass.

It wasn't so bad here.

Before I could reflect on it much more, the ramp to the ship closed and the engines roared to life. I took a seat in one of the chairs lining the walls, casting a glance at my guard. He was watching me quietly, his knuckles white as he gripped his gun.

Then we were in the air.

I was going home.

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