Chapter 8. Oh, no!

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okay so another update. Yay!

All I wanna say is that it's not too long but that's all I could manage to write down right now.

Hope you like it still.


Get set.




We were now sneaking in through a narrow opening as we pulled out the grey metal door to see the inside of the squad area. To say that my mouth was left gaping at the scene inside would be an understatement. Mahn! what I saw got my eyes snap wide open at the strong ambience of the place. It looked more like a classy gym with every sorts of work out machines. There were strong muscular heavy built up guys pulling off their tough and solid exercise regimes. Not that there were any racing tracks or biker stuffs but it looked more like a fightclub, you know, like the ones that we see in the movies.

"That's so hot!" I heard a shrill voice beside me which apparently was owned by Stace.

"Sssshhhhhh!!!" keep it low, will you?" Wendy retorted shutting her up.

"Owwhhkhay Owwhhkhay" Stace whispered apologetically.

We were busy checking those hot bodies out until we heard something.

tap tap tap tap...

"Did we just hear some sound?" my eyes grew wide open at the sudden noise.

We stared at each other in blank scared expressions not knowing what to say next. It was some noise as if somebody was approaching into our direction?

tap tap tap...Sound of the footsteps got clearer and louder...

"Shit we are dead. They'll know we are sneaking and they'll..." I blabbered.

God knows, what they'll do to us.

"Seriously, what was that?" Stace asked worried.

Wendy positioned herself upstraight as she began to speak."Okay guys listen! I...I kinda smell some trouble here."

"Wow genius!" I sarcastically spat.

She simply threw back a short glare at me.

"In which case we ought to remember our plan, right? RUN..Run and Run for your life...if you get caught..alright?" Wendy spoke rather losing it, pretty much more than us.

I and Stace were terrified beyond any words to explain it for us. How stupid we were to follow her up despite our instincts telling us all this while that something's not right.

"Wendy! I am hating myself right now for believing you. What exactly have you gotten us into?" I asked really infuriated.

Before she could even try and explain....

The footsteps came closer and whoever that person was, he almost came about being close enough to turn any moment into our corridoor.

"Shit! I didn't realise he's that close....Okay guys....on count of one...RUN!" Wendy jolted off signalling us to do the same.

Jesus Christ, Wha??

'Come on Andy" saying this Stace immediately took off behind her and me being the destined trouble magnet didn't buzz an inch...


Well you guys would want to know why, wouldn't you?

Here is my (lame) reason: Right then my beautiful top got stuck!

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