where am I?

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Yn PoV
It was going to be a long ride. We had to drive for 2 days. It has been a few hours and I've been listening to my music. The song (fs) came on.
(Fs) means favorite song
I smiled and took out my sketch pad I brought along. I closed my eyes to think of something. Once I opened them I looked out the window. The moon looked so pretty and the way it shone on the trees was just beautiful. I decided to sketch that. It took me about half and hour to draw it. This was already a really boring ride. I fell asleep still listening to music with my sketch pad in my lap. When I woke up in the morning it was quiet. Mark was still up because he had to drive. He didn't look all that good from lack of sleep. We stopped at the gas station and got gas. "Hey mark maybe I should drive I mean I do have my license. And you look really really tired." I offered. He nodded and hopped in the back. I started to drive listening to the radio. It was around 5 hours later that mark woke up and started driving. It was a quiet ride. We found another gas station around midnight and we were both tired. Mark took a break and I got out of the car to get some fresh air. I walked over towards the building. I sat up against the old store building getting sleepier and sleepier each second. Before I knew I was asleep.

Bill PoV
The sun was just starting to leak into the sky and. I was walking around the woods cause I was as bored as all get out. I was in my human form with the blond hair that I made sure covered at least part of my eyepatch on my right eye. I had the usual yellow tux on and black shoes. It was quiet. I saw the back of a building in the distance and walked near it. As I got closer I thought I heard someone. 'Weird.' I thought. Walking around front I search for someone. Then I see her. A girl with (hl) (hc) hair. Her eyes were closed she must be sleeping. Sitting next to her quietly I looked at her. It would probably be bad if I woke her up so I'll let her sleep. 'I wonder how she got here. Did someone leave her in the middle of the night. Boy she must have been tired.' I thought. Hearing a soft noise I look over at her to see her waking up.
"Where am I?" She asked confused.
"Well you're at a gas station." I said still sitting next to her. She jumped a little.
"Oh sorry. I'm bill. Bill cipher." I said.
"I'm Yn." She said standing up.
"Why are you here?" I asked getting up too.
"Well I think my brother got really tired last night while driving us to Gravity Falls and when we took a break he didn't notice I got out of the car." She said a little uneasy.
"Well I can help you get to Gravity Falls." I offered.
At first she hesitated but then she smiled.
I took her hand and started to bring her into the woods.
"It's shorter this way." I lied.
It was long any way.

Yn PoV
I was following bill through the woods. I was blushing s bit because he was still holding my hand.
'Wait do I like him? I mean yea he's cute but I just met him I can't like him. Can I?' I thought.
"Uh... Bill can you let go of my hand... Please." I asked. He looked back and I saw his cheeks turn red.
"Yea... Uh sorry." He said turning back around.
The woods were so pretty. The trees were at the perfect angle with the sun shining through the leaves. I could hear water in the distance like some kind of lake. "Isn't it beautiful outside." I asked.
"Yea I guess. Prettier than normal." He replied.
I could tell he had a lot on his mind. I kept following him while looking around the forest.

A/n- I hope you guys like my story so far it's not much but just wait it will get better. I promise

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