Hide and creeps

351 12 1

(Sorry for the wait.
Yn- your name,
Hl- hair length,
Hc- hair color,
Fs- favorite song,
And so on.
Let's get started though)

Yn PoV
I ran faster and farther. I didn't wanna be stuck here anymore. No matter how far I went I didn't feel safe. I wonder what's happening to bill.
I stop thinking about that subject and just move on. While running I found a small shelter. I decided to hide here for a while.
I started to hum the tune of (f/s). It always made me feel better but not this time. Nothing could. It was so lonely.
I pulled my knees up to my chest. I wrapped my arms around my legs. Memories of my summer started to flow through my head. This only made me cry. After a few moments I stopped.
I took a deep breath.
"I can't cry. I need to stay strong for bill, dipper, and Mabel." I whispered to myself.
"Yn!" Someone called out.
I knew it wasn't bill or anyone of my friends it was to strange. I stayed quiet.
"Oh Yn! You know this game of hide and seek won't last." It said.
I cringed hearing the voice.
"Come on out now!" It said.
I still stayed silent. I was to scared to move.
"Yn!" The voice hissed.
It was getting closer. I was internally screaming and crying. By externally frozen in fear.
"I'm coming to find you!" The voice echoes.
The farther away the voice gets the more safer I feel. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. I get up and start to run. Farther and farther away. It was so hard to stay strong, to not give up, but I promised.
I ran out of breath. I was about to stop but I heard footsteps behind me. So I kept running. After a few more minutes of running I find a hollow tree. I am able to get inside and hide in there. The footsteps got louder.
The man started talking again. I could tell he was getting angry again.
I held my hands over my mouth knowing that any noise would echo and blow my cover. It got harder and harder to stay quiet.

No PoV-
It had been only 5 minutes but for you it felt like an eternity. Will had been searching for you but eventually gave up and went to go see bill again.
For bill that wasn't good. He is already hurt badly. Mabel had eventually died from all the blood loss. Or maybe she was in a coma or unconscious. Dipper lay on the ground in his last few seconds of life saying sorry to his sister and thanking everyone for the best life he could ask for.
Finally Yn gave up. She crawled out of the hollow tree looking around to make sure that no one was there. She walked some more before stopping. In front of her was the mystery shack. Smiling she opened the door.
"Stan? Soos? Wendy? Anyone here?" Yn called out. There was no answer. You walked around the shack and searched for anyone. The place was deserted. You felt alone. Like no one was there anymore. Walking outside you looked out into the woods. It was to quiet. You sat up against the wall and hugged your knees. Yn started to cry. She felt like giving up. Like dying and not having to go through this anymore.

Yn PoV
"Are you ok?" A soft voice said.
I look up. It's a girl. She has long brown hair. Her eyes are brown. She wore jean shorts with a blue tank top. She looked about the same age as me.
"Who are you?" I asked.
I wiped away the tears and stand up.
"My name's Christine." She said with a smile. "I'm here to help you and get your help." She said.
"Why do you need help?" I asked.
"My wolf pack is in danger. Will is trying to take out all the wolves including us." She said sadly.
"Wait wolf?" I asked confused.
"Yea." Christine said.
She turned into a gray mixed with brown wolf. I looked at her a little shocked. She turned back to human.
"So you're a wolf blood?" I asked.
"Yea. It's pretty fun being a wolf." Christine said.

Christine PoV-
I saw the girl Yn. I've been looking forever. When I turned to a wolf I thought she'd be scared of me and run away. But she didn't, it was like she wasn't afraid of me, like everyone else. I want to tell her who the black wolf is but I can't.
"So will you help me?" I asked.
"Only if you help me." She said.
I smiled. 
"Deal." I said.
"Follow me." Yn said running inside the shack.
I followed her up to the attic. We stopped inside a bedroom.
"Why are we-" "journal." She said cutting me off.
"Oh, I remember the journal! The author studied me and some other wolf bloods." I said.
"Cool! Was he nice?" Yn asked.
"Yea he helped us a lot." I told her happily.
We got the journal and ran down the stairs.
"So first we need to save bill." Yn said.
"Who's bill?" I asked.
"Not important. We need to save him." She said.
I smiled getting all jumpy inside.
"Is he your boyfriend?" I asked all excited. (You know how your friends do when you're around your crush *cough* Christine *cough*)
She blushed a little. My smile grew wider.
"Maybe." She said sheepishly.
I gave her the 'are you kidding me right now' look.
"Ok fine yes he is, but that's besides the point. We need his help if we are gonna defeat will." Yn said.
We started walking through the forest to get to the house bill was trapped in.
"Soo. Describe bill in 3 words." I said.
"Why?" Yn asked.
"So if I find him and you don't I'll know he's not someone else." I said. "Duh."
That's a lie. I just want to know what my new friend is into. (Not in a weird way. More like looks.)
"Dream demon, blondish-yellow, and yellow." She said.
I looked at her weirdly.
"Dream demon?" I asked a little weirded out that my friend is dating a demon.
"Yea." She said taking out the journal.
"Ok so first we need to get bill and then get these crystals." Yn says pointing at the page she was on.
I nodded and we kept walking and taking about our plan.
We reached the small cabin. Unaware of what to expect. Before we opened the door we glanced at each other.

Yn PoV-
I was nervous. I didn't wanna find bill dead. He is all I have left for a family. My fingers shook as I opened the door. Not knowing what was waiting there.

Well kinda. I guess if you guys put it as a cliffhanger. So Christine (the wolf) will be in the story for a while. She is kinda a main character right now but there will be a break away from the character at some point later on. Anyway I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while I've been really busy lately. Shout out to queenie120704 because she loves wolves. Anyway bye!

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