Finding the truth

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Yn PoV
Dipper and Mabel burst into the room.
"What is going on?!" Mabel yelled.
"Yea! You are crying, your brother is yelling, you're in her with bill!" Dipper said.
I let go of bill and looked at him.
'I think we have to tell them.' I mentally said to bill.
'I guess but they probably won't take it very well.' He said back.
"Ok guys you may wanna sit down." I sighed.
I sat down next to bill holding his hand. Dipper and Mabel sat across from us seeming really confused.
"Ok. So I met bill before I met you guys. He helped me get here. Then we didn't see each other for a while. But when we did see each other again we became friends because when we were younger we were best friends. But then we kissed in the woods and became boyfriend and girlfriend. But dipper brought bill over for the sleep over and we had to keep the secret. Sadly after you guys fell asleep mark decided to watch my every move. He saw me and bill. Then earlier he started questioning me. And when he did find out we were dating he yelled at me. So then I came to find bill because he could make me feel better and then you guys came in. So we had to tell you the truth." I explained.
Bill smiled.
"It's all true." He said softly.
"Yn I'm sorry." Mabel and dipper said.
Mabel seemed to be fangirling really hard on the inside because I could tell she was about to explode.
"It's ok. My brother is way over protective. I can't wait for him to leave." I said anger in my voice.
"Yn calm down." Dipper said.
"Sorry." I said.

Dipper PoV
"Mabel i need to talk to you." I said while grabbing her hand.
We walked out of the room into the hallway.
"We have to do something about this." I said.
"Why they're cute together. Besides bill is your friend remember." She said.
"Mabel I know it's bill the dream demon. But that's besides the point. What if he hurts Yn?" I asked.
"I don't know, but-"
"We can't let them be together." I cut her off.
"Yn will be heart broken so if you wanna break her heart be my guest." She said.
I sighed. She's right Yn would be heart broken. I can't do that.
"Fine I won't. But if he does anything." I said.
But I didn't finish. I walked downstairs and Mabel followed.
"How does she like him?" I asked.
"I don't know." Mabel replied.
I sat on the sofa and turned on the tv.

Bill PoV
Stupid dipper he couldn't split us up if he tried. I hugged Yn.
"Did you say your brother was leaving?" I asked.
"Yea after like two more weeks he's going back home. But I get to stay here for as long as I want." She said.
I smirked at the thought.
"What?" She asked.
"Nothing just thinking." I said.
She sighed and looked down. I picked her chin up with my hand. I looked into her deep (e/c) eyes. I brought her up for a kiss. We pulled apart and I smiled.
"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked.
"Sure." She answered.
After we kicked dipper and Mabel out of the living room we put in the movie. It was a horror movie. I didn't even flinch at all the jump scares. But when Yn did she would snuggle closer to me. I cuddled with her. After the movie we went outside.

Yn PoV
"Wanna go for a walk through the woods?" I asked.
This was practically a date. Watching movies walking through the woods.
"Sure." He said.
I grabbed his hand intertwining our fingers. We walked through the forest. It was quiet. We found the clearing we first kissed at and sat on a rock. We were still holding hands when we sat down. I let go of his hand. We started talking about the things we did after we got split up that year when we were little.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"My parents are making me leave." He sobbed.
I grabbed his hand and pulled him into a hug.
"I'll miss you though." I said.
"I'll miss you too." He said hugging back.
"Please don't forget us." He said.
"I promise. I'll never forget. You'll always be my best best best friend." I said.
I started to cry. We let go of the hug.
"Goodbye." I said.
"Goodbye." He whispered.
He left and I sat in the grass crying.
~end flashback~
I sat there and started to tear up.
"Yn what's wrong?" Bill asked worried.
I looked up at him.
"I remember the promise. You leaving. Everything. I remember." I said.
He pulled me into a hug.
"Thank you." He whispered.
We pulled from the hug and I wiped away the tears.
We went back to the shack and I went inside. Bill stopped to talk to dipper. I made it up the stairs. I heard yelling.
"Uh oh." I said.
I ran back down the stairs and bill and dipper were fighting.
"Stop!!" I yelled.
They didn't even look at me. Then dipper punched bill.

A/n uh oh. Fight. I'll tell you now this ain't good. Sorry I haven't updated in a few days. Go check out my friend queenie120704 she's working on a fan fiction right now. You may like it. She's not far yet but I'll tell you now it will be good. Anyway have a fun afternoon y'all. I'm gonna go do stuff with my friends.

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