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Yn PoV
Bill stood up and turned around.
I smiled.
"Hi." I said.
"This is so awkward." I thought.
"Agreed." Bill said
"Oh right mind reading." I thought.
Bill smiled, he must have read my mine again.
I walked over and sat down.
"Soo..." "What do you wanna talk about?" I said.
"I don't know, how about we talk about the past 2 years of our lives." Bill said.
We ended up talking for hours. When it was almost dark I left for home. I said goodbye to bill and got home to find a worried Mabel.
"Mabel what's wrong?" I asked.
"I was worried i didn't know where you went." She said.
"I'm fine. I just went to see a friend." I said.
She nodded.
"Tomorrow we are going to the pool with Wendy, is that ok?" Mabel asked.
"Yea that's fine." I shouted down the stairs.

Time skip~
The next day lol

Wendy PoV
I sat by the door of the gravity falls pool. It was dying heat outside. Yn and Mabel were taking forever. Soon I see Mabel walking up. She looks at me. Her face was red. She looked as if she were crying.
"Hey Mabel." I said.
"Hi Wendy." She replied sadness in her voice.
"Mabel what's wrong?" I said standing up.
"It's Yn and me. We got into an argument this morning and she refused to come and hang out with us." Mabel said.
"Oh. Well that's ok. Me and you can hang out." I told her.
She smiles and we walk into the pool place.

Mabel PoV
Why do Yn and I have to argue. It was over nothing too. I shouldn't have said that I should have just agreed.
Wendy and I walked over to some seats and set our stuff down.
"Maybe she will come a little later." Wendy said.
"Yea hopefully." I said.
"Come on let's go." I say as I drag her over to the pool.

Dipper PoV
I sat in the empty dorm. It was too quiet here. Being without Mabel is hard. I heard she went to stay in gravity falls again. Lucky her. I grabbed the picture of my her and Yn off the desk. I smiled at the picture. We were so happy. What ever happened to that.

Yn PoV
Why did me and Mabel have to fight. I hate it. It was so stupid. Neither of us did anything. She'd never believe me though it would still be my fault.
I sat on the edge. I wasn't afraid of falling. Then again ever since those years what have I been afraid of? Nothing really. I've seen it all. I've heard it all. I've felt it all. Just nothing was new anymore. Sitting on the edge I thought. I kept thinking. Of everything. New and old. What my life is. What my life was. What my life might be. Sitting on the edge was my escape. My freedom. Me heart. Living on the edge. Not being afraid to fall. Living my life. A few tears were shed. Nothing was ever the same.
These ran in my mind. A few tears left my eyes. I didn't know someone was there. I didn't know someone knew it. They felt my pain. They lived a lie. Just like me.
More tears left my eyes. My mind was full of thoughts. Crazy things.

Mabel PoV
Me and Wendy played around in the water it was really fun. We talked on and on about what we've done the past years. Ex boyfriends, secrets, family. It was great.

Wendy PoV
I loved catching up with Mabel. She's still crazy just like I remember. Today was one of the bests. We talked a lot.

Bill PoV
Playing the piano I thought about things going on. I stopped and sat there. Someone was sad. I had to fix that. I had to stop their pain.

Dipper PoV
I stood up and set the picture down. Walking out of the room I grabbed my book. I went out to the park. Not a lot of people were out since it was night. I sat under the tree and looked at the stars. And thought.

Mark PoV
I sat down at the kitchen table in my home. My kids ran around the house. My wife was reading a book on the couch by candle light. I smiled. My life is amazing. My smile disappeared when I remembered. I should've let her done more. Taking chances would have taught her more. Other than rejecting her and everything in her path. I could've been a better brother. Pushing those thoughts aside I remembered when we were little. Running around the house screaming, playing. A happy family that's now broken.

Yn PoV
Looking over the edge. I could feel the wind in my hair. The racing of my heart. The words in my mind. I thought. I could feel ease in the air. Everything was something different tonight. Having a feeling everything would be ok. I fell over the edge. Down I went. Falling and falling. I had lost my powers. But I still felt safe. The air wrapped around me as I fell. It wasn't long before I was almost half way to the ground. Before I could fall any further I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
I looked in his eyes. A golden yellow I could never forget.
I looked in his eyes. Not looking away. Thinking of how it's perfect. I closed my eyes and pushed my lips against his. Floating in mid air. Kissing my love.
My life was finally perfect.

A/n- ok guys I'm so sorry to tell you this but you have reached the end of my book. I hope you like the last chapter. I will be editing most chapters and changing somethings here and there. I wish it wasn't over this was fun. Thank you for over 1k reads. I'm sorry if I made any of you cry reading this story. If you listen to the song while reading the chapter it's better. Love you guys so much. Thanks for all your support. Goodnight.

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