Giving up so soon

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Will PoV-
"WHERE ARE THEY!" I yelled.
"I-I don't kn-know master." She said.
"Christine has been with her she's gonna update me soon." She told me.
I calmed down a bit. How could they escape?
"We have to find them and kill them. I don't care what it takes. She can't gain all her powers or else it's the end for me." I said.
"Tonight get Christine back here. We need to get information out of her." I said.
She nodded.

Yn PoV
I woke up. It looked late at night. There were two people with me, Christine and Bill. The space we were in was medium and fit us all. I looked over at Christine.
"Does something feel different to you?" I asked.
"No, why?" She answered.
"Something just feels different." I said.
I saw bill sitting in a corner on the other side of the shelter. I scooted over to him.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
"Yea just thinking." He said.
"I don't think you're just thinking. Bill what's wrong?" I said.
"It's nothing really."
"Bill, look me in the eyes and tell me nothing's wrong." I told him.
"B-But I can't." He said.

Bills PoV-
Small tears slid down my face. I wanted to tell her I really did but she wouldn't believe me, and then I started thinking about my childhood, and I don't know what happened. The whole world targeted her. She doesn't deserve this.
"Bill, look me in the eyes and tell me nothing's wrong." Yn said.
"B-But I can't." I said.
"Why not?" Yn asked.
"Because everything's messed up." I said.
Yn just stood there not knowing what to say.

Christine PoV
Bill and Yn were talking in the corner. Since this was a pretty big space it was kinda hard to hear their conversation.
I stepped outside for a minute.
"How are you doing this evil night?" Someone said behind me.
I turned around.
"Well hello Ruby." I said.
"Did she fall for your trick?" Ruby asked.
"Yes Ruby she doesn't know a thing." I said.
"Good, we need you at will's home." Ruby said.
"Why?" I asked.
"Just come. It's important." Ruby said.
(The picture up at the top is what Ruby looks like.)
"Fine." I said.
We both changed into wolves.
I was a brownish grey wolf, and Ruby was black. Her eyes an emerald glowing green, mine a chocolate brown.
We started to run towards the house.

Yn PoV
"Because everything's messed up." Bill said.
I stood there for moment.
"W-What?" I said.
"Everything's messed up. Nothing's right. It's all my fault. If I didn't come and help you-"
"It's not your fault. You helped me. You protected me. Hell if you didn't help me I'd probably be dead by now." I said.
"I should've been nicer to will when we were younger but I wasn't. I made him this way." Bill said.
I hugged him.
"Please don't blame yourself, or be sorry... Please." I said.
We let go of the hug.
I wiped away his tears and smiled at him.

Ruby PoV
We made it to will's home. He had been talking to one of his friends when we got there.
"Well hello girls." He said.
"Hi." We said.
"So Christine I hear that you've been around Yn a lot lately." Will said.
"Yea, and I'm assuming you want me to tell you everything." She said with a slight attitude.
"Well..." (I don't feel like writing all that again.)
She finished explaining.
"Interesting. Girls I think it's time we pay them a little visit." Will smirked.

Third PoV
Yn fell asleep next to bill. But he couldn't fall asleep. He was thinking and thinking. He slowly got up making sure not to wake you up. He walked outside.
'Maybe we should just give up.' He thought.
"Giving up so soon?" A dark voice said.
Will appeared in front of bill.
"Well hello dear brother. It's been a few years." Will said.
Bill glared at him.
"I would've like to wait ten thousand more years before seeing you again." Bill said.
2 girls appeared behind him.
Bill knew it was Christine and Ruby. Which only made him more mad.
"Why did you do this?" Bill asked.
"Because if her powers get any stronger she could destroy us." Will explained.
"That's not true. She would destroy you but not everyone." Bill said.
The twins started yelling at each other.

Yn PoV
I woke up to yelling. It sounded like bill and will. This made me worry a bit. I walked outside to see them fighting.
"Guys stop." I said.
They didn't hear me though.
"Guys I said stop." I said a little louder.
Nothing. I finally had enough.
"STOP IT!" I yelled.
They both looked at me in shock.
I looked at my hands there was a purple flame in it.
I calmed down and it went away.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Will just showed up and is driving me crazy." Bill said.
"Why are you here?" I asked will.
"Because I need to stop you. You're getting to powerful." He said.
I looked at him. A wild grin formed on my face.
"Ok then if you want to fight. Then let's fight."

A/n- ok sorry I didn't update for a long time. I've been busy with school and family stuff, but I will try to update soon. Bye.

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