What if?

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Yn PoV
Everything was dark, cold, different. I felt dead but I wasn't. I felt trapped. I felt broken.
Everything was dark. I was sitting down in the darkness. A few tears streamed down my face. I could see the battle but I couldn't hear anything. Christine and  Bill were fighting Will. It was strange cause I thought she was against us. I guess not. Both bill and will are wounded but neither cared. They kept fighting. LI hated it. I hate seeing people hurt. It kills me on the inside. My whole body was numb. I couldn't move. My head started to swirl around in circles. It started going faster and faster, till suddenly it stopped.
Suddenly I jerk up. I looked around where I was. It was a nice place. I sat up. There was a sharp pain in my side. It hurt a lot. I didn't care though. I stood up and snapped my fingers. I arrived behind a giant tree where the battle scene is. I snapped my fingers again and fixed my side taking the pain away, but not fully. Something felt different. I snapped my fingers and a mirror appeared. My hair now had light purple tips and my outfit was different. I smiled and snapped away the mirror. I peered past the tree to see what's going on. Bill was sitting on the ground trying to regain his strength and Christine was trying to take on will.
I started to telepathically talk to bill.
'Are you ok?' I asked.
'Yn? Is it really you?' He asked.
'Yea. I'm worried about you, are you gonna be ok?' I asked.
'Hopefully. Don't worry about me though.' He said.
'Bill, I have to go. I love you.' I said.
'Love you too.' He said.

Christine PoV-
Craziness. That's all this is. I don't know what to do. Everything's hard, painful, dead. I can't take it. I want my freedom again. I don't wanna be trapped with my maniac brother being his slave.
This is impossible. I hate fighting my family and friends. This is way to hard. I turned into a wolf and attacked will. I was mad at him for hurting people but I could never kill my brother. I bit, and scratched him till he bled. I changed back and ran. Will cornered me and a backed into a tree, just as he was about to kill me bill showed up and pushed him out of the way.
"Run!" He yelled.
I started to run. I ran faster until I knew I was safe. I snapped my fingers and went to my house to check on yn. She wasn't there.
"Yn!" I yelled.
I searched for her but when I couldn't find her I went to my library. I looked through the many books until I found the right one. I opened the book to see yn behind a tree. She was near bill and will. Uh oh.

Ruby PoV
I don't know what's going on. Everything's just a blur. Who is that girl. Was she the one I attacked. I think it's her. Why was she helping me? Does she know? Everything is to confusing.

Will PoV-
Power. I felt power. I felt strong. I couldn't wait to destroy them all. I'm so close to victory.
I was so close to killing her. So close but my stupid brother over here had to ruin the moment. I fell to the ground as Christine got away. I was so mad. Why does he have to ruin everything. I'd be over joyed if his girlfriend was finally dead. I hate her so much.
I got up and was boiling with anger. Bill doesn't know what he has just done.

Bill PoV-
Everything hurts. All I feel is pain. I'm scared. I'm worried. What if I die. What about yn. I can't leave her. I need to stay strong.
Christine got away. I was happy. Everything was painful. Every step I took, every move I make. I can't hold on much longer. But I have to. I can't leave. Not yet.
Will was standing high and proud. He was bruised, bleeding, scratched, hurt and he's still standing. He's like a glitch. I don't get it. He's cheating. Wills smile grew wide.
"I know where your girlfriend is." He said.
I looked at him afraid of what he was gonna say.
"She's dead!" He said.
"That's a lie!" I yelled back a few tears streaming down my face.
I didn't know if it was true or not, but I don't wanna believe it.
He held up a picture of her lying dead on the ground. "See." He said.
I just cried more.
She can't be dead. If she's dead I don't know what to do with myself.
"Hey guess what? You're next." He said.
After that everything was a flash of white. I only saw a shadowy figure until I blacked out. Not knowing I wasn't gonna come back to the world.

Yn PoV-
No, he can't be.
"Bill?" I said shaking him.
"W-Will how could you kill him?" I said hot tears running down my cheeks.
"Simple dear, I always get what I want." He said.
He snapped his fingers. Sudden pain shot all through my body. It hurt like hell. I couldn't move. Everything started to fade. The last thing I saw was someone fall to the ground. Then everything was dark...

Chapter 17 preview

Yn PoV-
The darkness. Empty. Nothing. I thought I was dead. He was gone. They both were. And so was I. A light? Why is everything getting lighter? Am I dead? What's going on?
I woke up. Is this a dream? The sun shone through the blinds.
"You're awake!"
The room looked like a...
"How? Why? You were..."
"You're not real..."
"I want the real you back..."
"What are you talking about?"
"Get away..."
I'm all alone. Empty. There's nothing left. Am I going insane?

A/n- I love this chapter. The next chapter preview is amazing too. I can't wait to write it. Catch you on the flip side peeps<3

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