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" Look Mommy, I made a pretty picture." I said, holding up a drawing I made of a house. She gave me a sweet smile as she takes it from my hand and places it on the wall. I glanced over at the window, looking at my reflection. My scaly ears on top of my blonde hair. Orange scales coming down my face before stopping at the bridge of my nose, only to reappear on my neck and travel down my chest and arms. My gray dress covered most of them though. My wings and tail appeared on my back through slits that  Mommy cut through my dress, so I could move easier.

"You look beautiful." Mommy said, kissing my forehead. I smiled at her words until something outside caught my eye. A red glow in the distance.

"Mommy, what's that over there?" I asked, pointing at the red glow. She looked at the glow in confusion, until the red glow turned into a group of Vikings carrying weapons or all different types and sizes. Then Mommy's eyes watched in fear.

"What's going on?" I asked, the same emotions on her face spread acrossed mine. "Why are those people coming here?" Mommy turned around and wrapped her arms around me tightly. Then she let go and placed a hand on my cheek. I looked into her brown eyes as tears started to appear on the edges.

"Ember, I need you to run." She said.


"You need to get out of here! If they find you, they'll..." She didn't finish her sentence before tears started running down her fair skin. "Just know that Mommy loves you." She wrapped her arms around me again.

"I love you too, Mommy. But I don't under-"

There was a knock at the door.

"Go now, Ember." She said, making her way to the door. But for some reason, I didn't move. Mom opened the door, revealing the mob of Vikings dressed in different colors of clothes and holding different kinds of weapons.

"Hello men, what brings you here this fine evening?"

The man in front didn't say anything, but in a quick motion, he took the pitch fork in his hand and rammed it through my mother's body. Mom lurched forward as the four prongs of the pitch fork came out of her back, all of them covered in blood. Then, the Viking pulled the pitch fork out of her. She stumbled a little before falling in a puddle of her own blood, her blonde hair slowly turning red. A line of blood trailed out of her mouth as she mouthed the word "run". The light left her eyes after that and her lifeless eyes continued to stare at me.

"No." I muttered, my eyes wide with fear and disbelief.

"That's what you get, you witch." He spat at my mother's corpse. Then his harsh eyes made his way to mine.

"Get the half-breed!" He screamed. My brain finally clicked at the moment and I ran out of the back door of the house. The red glow of the mob behind me.

After a few minutes of running for a few minutes, I found a large cave and ran into it. My feet pounded against the dirt; footfalls matching my heart beat as it beat against my chest.

"Come on, men! Faster!!" The man leading the mob screamed, the red glow illuminated the cave walls. My breathing getting heavier and heavier.

'I need to go faster.' I thought, snapping open my 4-foot wings and flew as fast as I could.

"She's getting away!" One of the Vikings shouted, the terrifying glow of their torches getting dimmer and dimmer.

Once the glow of their torches no longer illuminated the cave and their foot falls didn't echo off the walls, I collapsed onto the ground. My hair sticking to my forehead and my heart beat echoed in my ears. Now the shock started to leave my body and the pain started to set in. I tried to fight the sobs rising in my throat in fear of the Vikings finding me, but some still escaped. What do you expect from a five-year old that just experienced the murder of her mother.

The entire scenario replayed in my mind; a new wave of sorrow hitting me every time. What did she do? What reason did those monsters have to kill on of their own and attack me.

Those monsters... That's what they are. That's all they have to be if they kill without reason.

All sadness and sorrow left my heart and was replaced with anger, fury, and hate. I slowly rose to my feet and leaned against the wall.

"If any Vikings enter this cave, it'll be the last thing they do."

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