Chapter 4

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*Hiccup's POV*

"Hiccup! Where are ya, boy?!" I heard Dad yell. I squinted my eyes open at the loud sound. "HICCUP!!"
"I'm coming, Dad." I said, sitting up and rubbing the leftover sleepiness from my eyes. "What's going on?" I asked, leaving my room.
"I need you to round up the dragons. Sloan Draemon's coming today to discuss a treaty."
Dad put his face in his hand. "I told you about him arriving here last week. He's the leader of the Stonehedge tribe, remember? Now gather up the dragons. I don't know what would happen if he found out about our new way of life. Now get going! He'll be here soon!" Dad rushed out of the house after that. Toothless grumbled quietly, and nudged my elbow.
"I know, Bud. Come on, we got to get the others." We rushed out the door, and gathered Astrid and the rest of the group.
"Hiccup, what's going on?" Astrid asked.
"Sloan Draemon is coming to discuss a treaty with Dad. We need to gather up the dragons, and hide them in the cove."
"Who's Sloan Draemon?" Snotlout asked.
"He's the chief of the Stonehedge tribe. And, if we don't hide our dragons soon, he'll destroy Berk and our dragons. We need to go now."
No one spoke after that. Everyone and their dragons scattered in different directions. Toothless and I wandered the woods for awhile, and found a Gronkle and two Deadly Nadders before heading to the cove. Everyone was already gathered along with the horde of dragons they had found. Astrid found five Terrible Terrors, two Deadly , a Hideous Zippleback, and a Monstrous Nightmare. Fishlegs found two Gronkles. Snotlout found a Monstrous Nightmare, and the twins manage to find a Terrible Terror.
"Muttonhead over here got distracted," Tuffnut excused.
"Hey! You were the one who got distracted!" Ruffnut shouted, smacking Tuffnut in the back of the head. Tuffnut retaliated, and swung a fist at his sister. Tuffnut dodged, and she struck back.
"Guys!" I shouted, getting the twins' attention (Tuffnut hit his sister on her head while they were looking at me). "It doesn't matter, just as long as you came back with something, which is surprising." I said pinching my nose, and muttering the last part.
"Okay, now since that's taken care of... Wait..."
I looked around, and realized a big problem...
I forgot something...
"What's wrong?" Astrid asked.
"I-I gotta go!!" I shouted before running through the forest.
How could I have been so foolish? How could she slip my mind so easily?
"Maybe the Stonehedge clan hasn't arrived," I muttered to myself. "If I'm quick enough, I can get her to the Cove before anyone even notices."
That hopeful thought vanished quickly as I began to exit the forest.
Several Stonehedge clan guards were touring the village. Luckily, none of them were near the back door of the house, so I was able to sneak in without anyone noticing me. I rushed to the main room, and lifted up the basement floor.
"Ember?" I called.
"Hiccup?" Ember called back.
"Come on, we need to go." I said reaching my hand down. Ember skeptically climbed the ladder, and grabbed my hand for me to be able to pull her up the rest of the way.
"Hiccup, what's going on?" Ember questioned.
"No time to explain. We just need to get you back to the Cove." I said quickly as I ran to the back door, dragging Ember behind me. But, I skidded to a stop as I saw people outside.
Three Stonehedge Vikings.
"Hiccup, what's wrong?" Ember persisted.
"Get back to the basement," I said, ignoring her question. Again, I rushed back to the main room, and pulled up the floor. Ember went back down the ladder, but just when I was about to close the floorboard...
"Hiccup, stop!!" Ember shouted, getting my attention. "What's going on?" She asked once more.
"Nothing's wrong. Just stay here!"
"Don't lie to me!! Hiccu-" I slammed the floor back in place. Then, I grabbed a spare blanket from my room, and placed it over the floor, hoping Dad wouldn't question why there was a blanket on the floor.
"Hiccup! Where are ye, lad?" I heard Dad bellow from outside.
Just great.
"Coming Dad!" I shouted, straightening out the blanket. I then ran out of the door, and to Dad.
"There ye are, boy. Let's be going." Dad said. I followed behind him down to the beach where a couple of boats were docked. Soon, we saw a man in all black attire. His armor gleaming in contrast compared to his outfit of chose. But, my sight quickly caught view of the sword on his back.
It was an ivory white, and was curved in a hooked fashion with a jagged edge on both sides of the hook.
"Sloan." Dad said in hope to get the man's attention. Sloan perked up at the sound, and turned around.
"Ah, Stoick. It's a pleasure to meet you." Sloan greeted with a smile. Dad only nodded, and smiled back. "And, this must be your son,"
"Yes, this is Hiccup." Dad responded, placing a firm hand on my shoulder.
"It's a pleasure to meet you as well."
Sloan had messy black hair, and bushy eyebrows. He also had a long scar that started at the top of his cheek bone, and ended at the base of his chin. But, the most intimidating thing about him was his dark grey eyes. They gave off an unnerving vibe, as if he could stare into your soul, and knew what you were going to do even before you ever thought about doing it.
"Now, let's get this whole ordeal started, and hopefully begin a new friendship." He said, patting us both on the shoulder. Then, with an uneasy silence looming over us, we walked back to the house.
"Hiccup, show Sloan back to your room while I go get the treaty." Dad ordered. Sloan followed me to my room, the silence thickening, until...
"I don't mean to intrude on personal matters, but what happened to you leg. If you don't mind me asking," Sloan asked. I tensed at his question.
"It's fine... I-I lost it to a dragon." I stuttered, memories from years ago playing in my mind.
"I'm sorry. Those beasts shouldn't be around. It's a terrifying world we live in with those monsters." Sloan said, a deep scowl in his face, and even darker eyes. He had a far away look, as if he was looking back at a memory himself.
"Yeah," I said. Luckily, we made it to my room, so we didn't have to continue this awkward conversation of terrible events. I opened my door, and walked inside with Sloan following behind me.
The first thing he looked at were my invention ideas I had scattered all over my desk. Thankfully, I had kept all my dragon saddle ideas under my bed.
"You're a very creative boy," Sloan, complimented, looking at my various sketches. "Maybe when you get these inventions done, you can help it me and my men."
"Yeah, m-maybe."
After that, he walked over to the other side of the room, and stopped by the one thing in the room I didn't want him to find.
Toothless's bed...
While I was trying to get everyone to the Cove, I forgot to cover it up, so all the scratch and burn marks Toothless left were out in the open. I noticed him looking intensely at it.
"That's just my workplace," I lied. "I make m-" Before I ever knew it, Sloan reached from his back, and grabbed his sword, pointing the edge towards me.
"Okay, I've got the treaty, Now- WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!" Dad yelled, walking into my room.
"It seems to me that your son is harboring a dragon," Sloan said, keeping his eyes locked on me. "Even though, the same beasts took his leg,"
"You must be mistaken," Dad said quickly, trying to find an excuse. "That's my boy's work station."
"Do you take me for a fool, Stoick?" Sloan interrupted. "I know dragon marks when I see them. And, I know there's a dragon in this house." With that, he charges past Dad, and ran through the house, checking everything he could find.
"Sloan, I assure that there is no dragon here." Dad tried to reason.
"Then you won't mind me looking around."
He started walking towards the blanket that was covering the cellar. He walked over blanket, and I was sure he was just going to walk over it, Sloan tensed up after taking a couple steps over it. Then, he stepped off the blanket, and picked up, revealing the floor hatch. He threw the blanket aside, and knelt down to open the hatch.
"Don't be ridiculous, Sloan. Even if we did have a dragon, why would we hide it in our basement?"
"You tell me." Sloan said, opening the basement.
"Don't!" I yelled instinctively, causing Sloan to stare at me suspiciously, and Dad to glare at me.
"L-let me stop you from checking down there." Sloan then jumped into the basement. It was silent.
"So are Berkians traitors now?" Sloan asked angrily.
"What do you mean by that?" Dad asked, his tone matching Sloan.
"See for yourself."
With a final glare at me, Dad climbed down the basement, with me following anxiously behind him. My eyes widened at the sight.
Sloan had his sword held out to Ember. She was tensed up, and in a stance that meant she would attack if Sloan tried anything. And, if he did, it would be the last action he ever did. Her eyes had an animalistic glare to them, as she only stared at her target.
"Care to explain?" Sloan said with the same tone as before.
Dad sent me another glare, but I ignored him, as I stared at the scene in front of me, trying to decide my next action.
I needed to do something now!
I charged at Sloan, and latched into his arm that was holding his sword. He tried to shake me off, but surprisingly, my small frame held onto him.
"Ember, get out of here!!" I shouted. Once the words left my mouth, the terrifying look left her eyes , and she shot a blast of fire upward through the house, and launched herself through the house and outside.
"Oh thank Thor," I said quietly, letting go of Sloan's arm.
Ember was safe.
"You let one of your own breed with those filthy beasts?!" Sloan shouted.
I couldn't say the same for myself.
"The treaty's off Stoick!"
No one could prepare what happened next.
Sloan grabbed my arm, and pulled me close to him, and held the inner side of his sword to my throat.
"If you know what's best for the boy, you'll do as I say,"
Dad put up his hands in surrender.
"Good, now go up the ladder, and out of the house. Any action I find suspicious, and Hiccup won't have just a leg missing."
Reluctantly, Dad climbed up the ladder, and exited the house. Me and Sloan following close behind.
"Tie 'em up, lads. Then get them to the boat. We're leaving." Sloan yelled, pushing me towards the two Stonehedge men. They bound both our wrists together, and pushed us forward. By now, the entire village was outside to see what all the commotion was about. I turned my head, and looked at all my friends, all of them wide-eyed with fear. I mouthed to them "I'll be fine" before the two men pushed us down the path to the beach, and the view of the village disappeared. Once we were down at the beach, and onto the Stonehedge boats, our wrists were unbound and we were thrown into a cell. Soon, we began to pull away from Berk's shore, and it began get smaller and smaller in the distance.

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