Chapter 7

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*Hiccup's POV*

Once we docked at the Stonehedge habor, dozens of Sloan's men barged into the room and opened our cages. We were forcefully raised to our feet and pushed outside. Ember was still unconscious, so one of the the guards thrown her over his shoulder. The sudden movement caused her to groan in pain. As we walked from the boat and towards the dungeon, I restrained myself from calling out to Sloan and beg him to take the burning iron off of Ember.
The walk through the Stonehedge village was an unbearable one. The clan members walked out of their houses, gawking at us like a pack of wild animals forced to amuse people. Finally, we descended down a cave where the cells would probably be. The silence was incredibly thick, which made the loud clatter from behind even louder.
"Watch where you're going idiot!" Tuffnut shouted as he laid on the ground.
"Don't blame me! It's not my fault your legs are so short!" Ruffnut shouted back.
"I'll make you eat those words when I destroy you!" The twins began to kick each other. Sloan rolled his eyes and rushed over to the twins, picking Ruffnut off the ground roughly.
"It will be a glorious day when you two are dead." Sloan said sinisterly, glaring at the two twins. After that, he started walking in front of us again. In a few minutes, the cells came into view. One by one, Sloan and his men put us in the cells. Sloan's evil smirk was clear on his face as I entered my cell. The cell gate closed behind me and he continued to walk down the hall, I heard the cell beside me open and Sloan say.
"Take the iron off her."
A wave of relief went through me after I heard that line. Ember groaned in pain as the iron was peeled off her bloodied arms. The cell door shut, and Sloan and his men walked away without another word. Silence filled the air and I slowly became tired. Without knowing, my head laid up against the stone wall and I fell asleep.

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