Chapter 1

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*2000 years later*

*Hiccup's POV*

"What are we looking for? Why are we even here?" Snotlout complained. Again.
"You heard what Dad said. Silent Sven's sheep have gone missing." I explained.
"And we're the only people who can find them because????" Ruffnut asked.
"Yeah, they'll come back eventually." Snotlout said.
"That's what we told Sven five days ago. Now Sven is angry and wants to know where his sheep are," Astrid said. "Now how about we stop complaining and find these sheep."
"Thank you, Astrid. Now let's get going"
A few minutes after that, Toothless started getting fidgety Andy and sniffing around.
"What's wrong, bud?" I asked. He didn't answer. Not like he would since he's a Night Fury, but still.
He sniffed around for about three seconds, before he perked back up and flattened his ears.
Then he took off and started running to Odin knows where.
"Hey wait up!!!" I yelled. "Toothless, where are you going?" Obviously, he kept running. We didn't stop running until we came to a cave.
"Great, we're at a cave. Now let's head back." Snotlout said.
"I don't think so. Look at this guys," Astrid said. We all turned around and saw cloven hoof prints imprinted in the dirt.
"Eh Ruff, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Tuffnut asked.
"Go in and meet our inevitable doom?"
"Heck ya!!!!" He jumped a little before slamming heads with his sister. I facepalmed and sighed. Why did I want to be friends with them again?
"How about we not die today?" Fishlegs asked.
Before anyone could say anything, Toothless ran into the deep, dark cave.
"Does that answer your question?" Snotlout asked, slapping Fishlegs on the shoulder. Then we all followed Toothless.
"Does anyone know where we're going?" Astrid asked.
"Absolutely no idea." I answered.
The cave was dark and moist. The walls were no longer stone and morphed into soil. The only light we had was when Toothless used is sonic shock to find his way through.
Finally, we stopped at a place where the tunnel split off into three passageways.
"Uh... Guys.." Fishlegs stuttered, pointing to the cave walls. It wasn't until Toothless used his used his sonic shock on one of the tunnels that we knew why Fishlegs was so terrified.
Against the wall was several sheep carcasses. Mixed in with them were a few Viking helmets... And bones.
"Does anyone else have that feeling of death crawling up their spine?" Ruffnut asked. Why? I have no idea.
"Yeah, it's awesome." Tuffnut answered.
"Toothless began to slowly tread into the middle tunnel, so we followed him.
"AAHH!" Fishlegs screamed.
"What's wrong, Fishlegs? You scared?" Snotlout asked.
"Don't worry, whatever's in here will just burn us alive and eat us."
"Yeah!!" Tuffnut shouted. "Wait, what?"
"Guys, it's better if whatever's in here doesn't find us. So can we please quiet down?"
Too late.
Suddenly, a giant blast of fire appeared in front of Toothless, causing all of us to jump back. Toothless began getting defensive and started growling at whatever was in front of us.
"Why are you here? Leave NOW!" A voice boomed.
"Who's there?"
"Leave!! This is your final warning!!" The voice boomed once again.
Toothless began growling at the voice, as if trying to communicate with it.
"Why are you protecting them?"
Toothless growled in response.
"You really think that you're friends with a Viking? Don't make me laugh. Vikings can't be friends with dragons. They killed my mother for it."
"You got it all wrong. We don't hurt dragons anymore," I stated.
"You expect me to believe you? You may be a bit smaller and weaker than the other foolish Vikings to enter my cave, but you're still as bloodthirsty and murderous as all the others.
"Actually, he's the one that showed all of Berk that dragons can be our friends." Astrid said, trying to convince whoever was talking to us.
"What if you and Toothless do the hand trick? The one that got Toothless to trust you?" Fishlegs suggested. That could... Actually work.
"That's a good idea Fishlegs," I agreed. "Toothless, come here bud." Toothless turned around and stared at me. I held out my hand and waited. He seemed to understand and began to walk towards me.
"Wait! What are you doing?! STO-" the voice stopped shouted when Toothless's sleek black scales came in contact with my hand and he started purring. It was always calming when we did this. Feeling his breathing against my palm made me feel at peace. I always felt better when my best friend was with me.
"See, Toothless is my friend. I would never hurt him." I said, rubbing his head. He licked my face in response. Sort of his way of saying 'I love you too.'
"We all have the same bond with our dragons. They're not our pets. They're family. I couldn't imagine life now without Stormfly." Astrid joined.
"Or Meatlug, my beautiful Gronkle."
"Or Barf and Belch."
"Or Hookfang."
They all agreed.
"So what do you say? You feel like wanting to see what Berk is like now?" I asked.
The voice was silent for a few minutes. Maybe our actions didn't affect it's opinion and we'll be trapped in a cave forever.
"You seem to have a strong connection with all of your dragons. Maybe this is a new era on Berk where dragons are not in danger." The voice said softly. "Very well. I will go with you."
"That's great. You're gonna-"
"But if it turns out you're lying to me, I'll make you pay." She threatened. We all got quiet. I hope nothing goes wrong.
"Now let's get out of here."
"Uh excuse me, how can we get out of here if we can't see?" Snotlout asked.
"How did you get in here then?"
"We followed the Night Fury."
"Then have him lead the way."
We moved out of the way as Toothless made his way to the front. The seven of us made our way out of the tunnel in silence. The only noise was when Toothless used his sonic shock to find our way out.
Was it right to bring this mysterious stranger with us to Berk? Not all the villagers liked being friends with dragons. And what would I tell Dad? How will he react?
"Yes, we're finally out!" I heard Snotlout shout, snapping me out of my thoughts. The bright light stung my eyes for a few seconds and made everything white. Until my eyes adjusted to the light and I was able to see.
"Now that we're out, let's get to the- whoa." I turned around and didn't expect what I saw.
She was unlike anything I ever seen.
A dragon-human hybrid.

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