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*Sloan's POV*
"Sloan, sir. You need treatment." One of my guards persisted.
"Get away from me." I hissed at the man. I did not have time to worry about myself. My village was burning to the ground. My people were dying.
"Grab whatever and whoever you can find, and head to the ships!"
I ran to the dock, and climbed onto one of the boats. Children crying and wood crackling filled the air.
After about thirty minutes, everyone made it onto the boats, and had gathered an adequate amount of resources.
We pushed off the shore, and began our journey to Thor knows where. We couldn't stay on Stonehedge Island anymore. Because of them...
Because of her...
Burning Phoenix already took my village away from me once. Now they did it again. They will pay for what they have done to the Stonehedge clan and to the Draemon name.
"The Burning Phoenix hybrid and the people of Berk will burn. Just like what they did to my village."

And that my friends, is Hybrid's Conciliation. I hope you enjoyed Ember Druman's adventures on Berk. As for what comes next, you'll have to wait. I may make a sequel of Hybrid's Conciliation, or I may just write a one shot book for Ember's other adventures. I honestly don't know what's in store for Ember. I'm about to graduate soon, and whether or not I want to work on Ember during college is something I'm still thinking about. We'll all just have to wait and see. But for now, I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you all soon.
Edit: The sequel to Hybrid's Conciliation is now published!!! The first couple of chapters are already up, so if you want to see how Ember's story continues, read Hybrid's Retribution. I also published a prequel two shot of Hybrid's Retribution called Hiccup's Safety. It doesn't have anything major to the story, so it's not super important to read it before reading Hybrid's Retribution. But, it does have some hints in it about what will happen, and it has some more moments of Hiccup and Ember bonding. Overall, I just wanted to inform everyone that Ember's story is not over!! Hope you enjoy the new stories!!!


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