Chapter 5

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Burning buildings.
The sky ablazed.
The screams of innocent dragons.
The angry roars of bloodthirsty Berkians.
I wanted to help, but I knew if they saw me, I would be their next target.
"Ember..." a voice called out.
I have to save them
I have to do something
"Ember!" The voice shouted. The blazing skies were replaced with luscious forest trees. My head frantically turned to find the source of the sound.
Until I realized I was above the cove. Toothless was pawing at the rocky side trying to get my attention.
"Ember! What are you doing?" Toothless shouted. The other dragons quickly begin to gather around him like a group of Viking teenagers trying to get the latest gossip. I flew down into the cove, and to the group of waiting dragons.
"Ember, what's going on? Shouldn't you be with Hiccup?" Toothless asked.
"Where are the others? Where's Fishlegs?" Meatlug persisted.
"Someone... found me." I said as calm as I could. "He lifted up the floor board and threatened to kill me. Hiccup distracted him, and told me to fly away, I don't know what happened to Hiccup and his dad now. And, I don't know where the others are either."
The dragons remained silent after I explained what had happened.
Suddenly, the sound of chattering and voices could be heard through the trees. Thinking it was more people trying to threaten us, we all tensed and got ready to fight.
"Come on, guys. They can't have gotten far. We can still reach Hiccup if we hurry!"
Her and the rest of the gang soon came into view, and began to climb down the cove wall. But, they were shocked when they saw me waiting.
"Ember? When did you get here?" Snotlout asked. "Shouldn't you be at Hiccup's house?"
"Do you have something to do with what happened with Hiccup?" Tuffnut asked angrily.
I was silent...
"She did have something to do with it!" Ruffnut shouted.
"Hey! Calm down! Let's not play the blame game. Let's just focus on getting Hiccup and Chief Stoick back to Berk." Astrid said sternly.
The Viking teens then proceeded to climb onto the dragons. Astrid climbed on Toothless, but had Stormfly close by her side.
"Are you coming?" Astrid asked.
"She started this? How can she help?" Snotlout grunted. Then everyone soared into the sky, except Astrid, Toothless, and Stormfly.
"Hiccup needs you, Ember. Save him like he saved you."
The three of them then followed the others, leaving me to my thoughts.

*Hiccup's POV*

"Of all the irresponsible, idiotic things to do, you stash a hybrid in our cellar?!"
"I know this looks bad, but-"
"BAD?! This is worse than bad!"
"I couldn't just leave her there."
"Leave her where? How did you find that hybrid? And don't lie to me. Tell me everything."
"Her name isn't That Hybrid. It's Ember."
Dad rolled his eyes at my comment, but remained attentive. I told him everything. Finding the cave. Almost getting killed by Ember. Bringing her back to the house. When I was finished with my tale, Dad waited before speaking again.
"Ya bring the same thing that tried to kill you home? That's my son for ya." Dad said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"That's not the point, Dad." I said, getting his attention again. I had to chose my next words carefully.
"When I looked into her eyes, I saw a strange mix of emotions. I saw anger... Hate... Fury... But I also saw fear... She was just as scared as Toothless was the first day I met him. She was confused and unsure whether she could trust us... And, I wanted to show her that we changed. That she could trust us. We weren't like the Vikings that caused her so much grief so many years ago."
"I have no doubt in my mind that you can help her." Dad said with a smile.
"Yeah, but first we gotta help ourselves. We gotta get out of here."
Just as I said that, the boat shook aggressively, followed by several men shouting outside.
"What in Thor's name was that? Dad asked. I hopped up from the floor, and ran to the small window on the wall. I smiled at what was outside.
"The others are here."

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