Chapter 2

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*Ember's POV*

"What?" I asked as they all stared at me with wide eyes. I started getting uncomfortable and felt tense.
"How is this possible?" The young Viking in the green shirt and brown fur vest said. What also caught my attention was the metal peg on his left foot.
"I assume you're asking about how I'm part dragon. It's simple. My mother was a human. My father was a dragon. They fell in love and had me." I explained.
"Sorry we forgot to ask before, but what's your name?" The blonde Viking on top of a Gronkle asked.
"My name is Ember Druman. What about you and your dragons?"
"I'm Hiccup. And you've already met Toothless." The small Viking said, gesturing to the Night Fury behind him. I then noticed the left part of his tail was missing.
"Name's Astrid. This beauty's Stormfly." Said the blonde Viking girl as she rubbed her Deadly Nadder's beak. The dragon nuzzled her in return.
"M-my name's Fishlegs. And this lovable Gronkle is Meatlug." Said the blonde boy who asked my name.
"Ruffnut's the name. And sadly the idiot on the other head of the Zippleback is my twin brother Tuffnut."
"Hey, having you for a sister's no walk in the village either. Also the Zippleback's Barf and Belch." The two Vikings greeted in a bickering manner.
"Hey baby," A sudden voice said. I tensed up, ready for a fight, but all I saw was another Viking child with black hair. "The name's Snotlout, but you can call me any time."
"Hello Anytime, do many people call you this?" I asked. Everyone got silent then bust out in laughter. Everyone except Anytime.
"Just call him Snotlout. The guy's being ridiculous anyway." Astrid explained.
"Y-yeah, and this is my dragon Hookfang," Snotlout said walking back to his dragon defeated (I don't know why though). "And he listens to me and no one else." Then the Monstrous Nightmare sprayed the young Viking's rear with a small stream of fire.
"AAHH!!!" Snotlout screamed, running around and trying to put the fire on his rear out. Once he was no longer on fire, he grinned and climbed back on his dragon.
"Now that the introductions are over, let's get to the real problem," Astrid started. "What are we going to tell Sven about his sheep? And how are we going to smuggle a hybrid into the village? We can't just waltz into town and expect people to not notice her."
"Especially since she's covered in sheep blood." Tuffnut added. I looked down at my tattered gray dress. He wasn't lying when he said that I was covered. I wasn't even sure it was gray anymore with all the stained blood patches on it.
"I wasn't worried about her clothes. She could just use some of my old clothes," Astrid said. "But if the village sees her, it could be problematic."
"Wait," Fishlegs piped up. "Isn't Trader Johan here today? Everyone's going to be at his ship. That would be the perfect time to sneak her into the village."
"That's perfect, Fishlegs! And I can sneak her into my cellar so my dad doesn't see her." Hiccup said.
"Excuse me, but I'm confused," I started. "If the people of Berk have changed like you said, then why do you have to hide me? Wouldn't the villagers accept me?"
Everyone went silent.
"Well... um... While it's true that we are friends with dragons now, not all of the villagers are used to the new lifestyle yet."
"SO YOU LIED TO ME!" I shouted, enraged. I knew it couldn't be true. Vikings only think about murder.
"No no no. That's not what we meant at all! It's just that we're being cautious and don't want anything to happen to you if anyone finds you," Hiccup explained. "And people on other islands don't like our way of life and Berk could be in danger if other tribes find dragons here."
The rage built up inside me settled a bit Apparently the Berkians and the dragons haven't been at peace for long. But if there was a slight chance that the Berkians have changed for good, then maybe I can have a different life instead of living in fear and hiding in a cave for Thor knows how long. I don't want to waste in a cave for another 2000 years.
And looking at the bond that the young Vikings have with their dragons, and with each other, maybe these guys have the power to change the island of Berk for the better.
"So you understand? Are you willing to come to the village with us?" Hiccup asked.
I nodded.
"Great, now let's get back to the village." Hiccup said, climbing onto Toothless.
As I looked among the Viking teens climbing onto their dragons, I noticed more of the close bond they all shared. The dragons weren't struggling to get away, nor were the teens forcing the dragons to do anything against their will. Maybe Berk has really changed. Maybe dragons and Vikings can live in piece.
The dragons unfurled their wings and took off into the sky, leaving me in front of the cave. I confidently sprinted towards the edge of the cliff and unfurled my wings, the wind flowing lifting me higher.
Then I fell. I smashed into several trees and finally ended up battered and bruised on the forest floor.
"You okay?" I heard someone ask. Next thing I know, Hiccup's at my side helping me to my feet.
"Yeah I'm fine," I replied, dusting myself off.
"What happened?"
"Well... um..."
"I can't fly. One day I grew too big for the caves walls and I couldn't fly anymore. I haven't been able to fly since," I explained to him.
"It's okay," He said with a warm smile. "I can teach you later. Just climb on Toothless for now." He led me to the Night Fury and we both got on.
"Hold on," he said. I nodded and wrapped my arms around is torso. Toothless' swings began to move, and within seconds we were up in the air with the rest of the group.
The trip back to the village was a short one. Luckily, the entire village was at the harbor hoarded around a boat I assumed was Trader Johan's.
"Okay, let's make this quick." Hiccup said to the others. The group quickly landed in the tiny main square, and made their quick goodbyes and retreated to their separate houses.
"Ember, this way," Someone whispered. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Astrid motioning me over to her direction. I ran over to them and followed Astrid into her empty home. "Wait here for a second. I'll go get water for you," Astrid stated.
"Why?" I asked.
"So you can wash that blood off your skin," She sped off someone after stating that.
While she was gone, I glanced around the room, and tenses up at the sight of various axes. How many axes did one teenage girl need? They varied from different sizes. They looked clean, and sharp too.
"They're gifts from my parents," Astrid said, causing me to jump slightly. "I used to use them a lot for protection, but I got Stormfly now, so I don't need protection. They're just wall decorations now."
"There sure is a lot of them."
"Yeah, my parents can go overboard at times, but parents do that all the time."
I didn't reply to her statement. I didn't know what it was like to be spoiled by parents, but I guess it was nice.
"Anyway, I got your bath ready, and some clothes for you."
"Thank you." I walked out of the room and into the bathroom. Against the wall was a giant wooden tub filled with water. On the floor was a tan shirt with fur outlining the collar and shoulders, black pants, and a pair of fur boots. I took off the gray dress I wore for years and cautiously stepped into the warm water. Once completely soaked and the water now tinted reddish-brown, my mind began to wander to the one question that has been pounding in my mind this entire day.
Can dragons and Vikings really be friends?
The two of us have such a horrible history together, filled with violence and death. It seems impossible that we could ever fix what was done in the past. The Vikings have killed so many dragons, and even killed one of their own because of her love for a dragon.
Yet when I saw Hiccup and the others with their dragons, none of the dragons were scared, or fighting for their lives. They both trusted each other. They were happy with each other.
Their connection makes me wonder if I can trust myself. I've only known one thing in life. Vikings are terrible, blood-thirsty, murderous people. Will this small group of teens be able to change that ideology? Hiccup and the others have been nice to me so far. The only other person who has treated me with compassion was my mother. Then she was murdered, and I was almost killed myself. After that, I never trusted anyone. I warned people who wandered too far into my cave to leave, and if they didn't, I showed them the same murderous fate as my mother did.
But, somehow these teens convinced me to come out of my cave and join the people I secluded myself from for so long. Maybe people can change after all.
A knock at the door interrupted me from my thoughts.
"Hey, you've been in there for awhile. You okay?" Astrid asked from the other side of the door.
"Yeah I'm fine. I'll be out in a second." I said, stepping out of the tub. Once dried and changed, walked out of the bathroom with my old dress in my hands.
"Those clothes look nice on you." Astrid complimented.
"Thanks. Also thanks for cutting holes into the shirt and pants."
"No problem. Figured you'd like to use your wings and tail rather than have them be restrained under your clothing. Also, I can take care of your old dress." She reached her hand out, and I placed the bloodied piece of cloth in her hands. She went over by the fireplace, and threw my old dress into the flames. As we watched the flames get higher as it consumed the dress, I realized that this moment was kinda funny. My dress was my old life, full of fear, hate, and death. And it burning was a start of a new life.
"Well, now that you're cleaned up, I should get you over to Hiccup's house." I nodded and started walking. Soon, we stopped at one house. Astrid told me goodbye and left back to her home. I knocked on the door, and a black flash sprang from inside and forced me to the ground.
"Hey Ember." The Night Fury said with a gummy grin (yes I can understand dragons).
"Oh hey Toothless. You scared me for a second." I said getting up.
"Sorry, I get excited around friends."
"Of course. I want to get to know you. And we all want to help you. Especially Hiccup," he said, nuzzling my elbow. "Let him help you."
I gave him a sad smile. "I'll try." I told him before Hiccup came out the door.
"Hey Ember. Quick, get inside." Hiccup whispered, ushering us inside the house. I followed him a little until he lifted a large portion of the floor up to reveal a small room. Hiccup climbed down to the room by a ladder, and I followed him shortly after.
I looked around the room, illuminated by small fire lanterns. There were two small beds. One, I assumed, for him and his father. Both had one pillow and blanket.
"Just choose one of the beds. I need to get something real quick."
"I choose the bed farthest from the ladder. Just in case of something happening. The room was nice and cozy, for it being so small.
"I'm back," Hiccup announced. He walked walked over to me, and I noticed then he had a tray cooked fish in his hands. My stomach growled at the sight and smell of it. "Are you hungry?" I nodded and he placed the tray on my lap. I quickly began to devour the pieces of deliciousness. He was really good at making fish.
"Now that you're settled in, would it be okay if I asked you a few questions?"
"About what?" I asked with a mouth full of fish.
"Well... could I ask about your past?"
I swallowed the last little bit of fish and placed the tray to the side. "Not sure what there is to tell. I lived in a cave pretty much all my life."
"But, you said something about Vikings killed your mother. Why?"
My hands clenched into fists as her death replayed in my mind. The light fading from her eyes after the chief impaled her with a pitch fork. All the villagers chasing after me to "rejoin" me with my mother.
"They killed her because she met my father and showed compassion for him. She didn't think of him as a brainless monster like everyone else did. They loved each other and they had me. Soon after that, one of mom's "friends" found me and told the village about what my mother had done."
Hiccup was silent before speaking again. "What about your father? Was he killed as well?"
"No he wasn't killed then. But, he's probably dead now. I only met him once. Mother used to talk about him a lot. He was caring, kind, and strong. Though I doubt he ever knew Mom died."
"I'm so sorry." Hiccup said, grabbing my hands. "I'm sorry that we used to treat you like that, but I promise you that we're different now. You can trust us."
"How? You Berkians are the reason I've spent my entire life in a cave! The reason I'm an orphan! Why should I believe that your kind can change?" I snapped at him.
"If we didn't change then would my best friend be a Night Fury?"
I was silent for a moment before answering. "No, I guess not."
"Then trust us. You're safe now. We'll do everything we can to prove that to you. We'll protect you."
"Okay." Was all I said.
"Hiccup! I'm home!" A loud, bold voice shouted, echoing through the house.
"Shoot. It's my dad. I need to go, but I'll be back in the morning." He said before rushing up the ladder and leaving me alone in the room.
*Hiccup's POV*
"So, what were you doing in the basement?" Dad asked.
"Nothing. Just checking supplies. In case of an emergency." I lied. He lifted his brow in suspicion before walking away. I just hope he doesn't check the cellar. After that, I rushed up to my room and laid on my bed. But, I couldn't fall asleep. My thoughts kept drifting off to Ember. Were Vikings really like that? So hateful of dragons to kill one of their own and make a child motherless? Suddenly, I felt something brush against my hand. I looked and saw Toothless staring back at me.
"Hey Bud," I said, getting up and petting his head. "What if I can't help her? What if everyone finds her as a threat and forces back to our old ways? She's already terrified of Vikings. I don't want to scare her more," Toothless licked my face in response, causing me to laugh. "You're right. She'll be fine. Goodnight Bud." Toothless walked back to his little platform and blasted a circle into the wood before laying down. Finally, I got under my blanket, rolled over, and fell asleep.

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