Chapter 6

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*Ember's POV*

"The boats are dead ahead!" Astrid shouted as we got closer and closer to the six Stonehedge ships.
"What's the plan?" I asked.
"Find Hiccup and destroy the ships!"
"Sounds like a good plan to me!" Tuffnut shouted.
"Yeah," Ruffnut started. "Nothing's better than destroying stuff! Except maybe yak-tipping, but-"
"Pay attention!" Astrid yelled angrily.
"Dragon Riders!" I heard one of the Stonehedge clan members. Suddenly, a group of arrows flew towards us. We scattered out of the way as quick as we could.
The battle had begun.
I set the bottom side of one of the ships ablaze, causing it to take on water quickly. Arrows, nets, and fire were being flung everywhere, but it seemed like we were winning. The Stonehedge Vikings on the boats kept scurrying in panic on the top decks, trying to find more arrows, and put out the fires that was consuming their wooden boats. I glanced past the chaos and saw Astrid climbing on top of Stormfly, and Hiccup and his dad climbing onto of Toothless. Mine and Hiccup's eyes caught a glimpse of each other before a group of arrows came my way. With my focus where it belongs, I dodged the arrows right before they hit me. I blew fire back at the direction they came from, the Vikings who shot them running in a panic to escape my fiery wrath. By now, one of the ships had sunk completely, and another was sinking very fast. The twins and Snotlout were diligently attacking the remaining four boats with fire and gas attacks.
"This is amazing!!!!!" Tuffnut yelled, setting another gas attack from Barf ablaze.
"Hey! Ember!" Someone shouted. I turned my head and saw Hiccup and his dad flying towards me. "You came."
"I'm just repaying a debt."
"Hey, how about we head back to Berk, and then you two can have a conversation." Hiccup's Dad said angrily. With an eye roll from Hiccup, he called to the others and we began to fly away.
Until a net wrapped itself around my body, and I began to fall.
I struggled against the ropes, looking for a way to escape. Then, I came in contact with the harsh wood deck of the boat. The guy that captured Hiccup walked up to me, and put his foot on my back. An evil grin spread wide across his face. By now, Hiccup and the others were on the boat.
"Surrender or the hybrid dies." The man threatened. I feel the curved edge of his sword on the side of my neck. Hiccup's eyes shift back and forth from me to the man. I shake my head, trying to let Hiccup know that he should go. But instead, Hiccup climbed off Toothless and raised his hands in surrender. I swear if the man's grin got any wider, the man's mouth would tear.
"Excellent choice," The man said slyly. "TIE THEM ALL UP AND TAKE THEM BELOW DECK!!!" The Stonehedge Vikings moved towards Hiccup and his father with rope in their hands. They roughly grabbed them and tied their arms together. Hiccup's face stared at the man with the curved sword in quiet anger.
I feel the weighted rope lift off of me. Two guards pulled me up and tied me like all the others. Astrid and the twins struggled against their captors, but Hiccup flared at the three of them and shook his head. Slowly, the guards guided us down below deck where two rows of cages lining the walls of the boat waited for us.
"Separate the group. We don't want them scheming any kind of ridiculous escape plan." The man said smirking.
Obeying their orders, the guards shoved Hiccup, his father, and I in the cell nearest the door while Astrid and the others were placed in a cell on the far end of the hallway.
"Hope you all enjoy your stay." The man said sarcastically before he and the other Vikings left. Once they left, Hiccup was the first to speak.
"Are you okay?"
"Why did you surrender to that man?" I asked back in anger. "Why didn't you fly away? You shouldn't have stayed!Why did you stay?!"
"He was going to kill you!"
"So?! I wasn't going to leave and let Sloan kill you. You're my friend! I couldn't live with myself if I left you to die."
My eyes widened at his words. I don't think I'll ever understand this Berkian boy. He's so different than any other Berkian that I have seen. How can he think such things about me if dragons and Vikings are supposed to be sworn enemies? He's protected me from this Sloan guy. He let everyone else get captured at my expense. Why?
Maybe Vikings really have changed? Maybe Berkians are different than they were so long ago. I know what I must do now.
I place the sharp tip of my talon on the rope and begin to saw through it, hoping to cut the rope.
"What are you doing?" Hiccup's Dad asked.
"Trying to get us out of here. Now be quiet."
"That's ridiculous. Once you get the ropes cut, what will you do nex-"
As if the gods hated all of us, the guy I assumed was Sloan as well as a few of his guards walked over to our cage and unlocked it. Sloan's smirked down at the three of us. He motioned his head towards me. The guard pulled me from the floor and undid my ropes.
"What do you want Sloan? Your fight is with me and Dad. Not Ember." Hiccup said angrily.
"Relax boy. I do not wish to harm the hybrid, but to perform an experiment instead. If you want to call it that." Sloan replied. He pulled an object from behind his back. My body tensed slightly at the sight of it.
A long iron pole.
"What's wrong, my dear? I just want you to confirm a theory." Sloan taunted.
"Never said anything was wrong." I snapped. I snatched the pole from his hand, so he couldn't see my body shake.
At first, I smirked at how the pole caused me no pain. But then, a dull throbbing began. The pain quickly increased into a searing hot, unbearable pain.
I winced in pain a I tried to hold onto it for a few more seconds, but I inevitably dropped the pole with a clatter. Carefully, I cradle my tortured hand to my chest as smoke and blood poured from it.
"I thought they were all extinct," Sloan said with a hint of surprise in his voice. "But you are indeed a Burning Phoenix. One of the most powerful breed of dragons, but they're extremely weak when iron comes in contact with their skin. Pity... the last one died about three years ago. Full blood Burning Phoenix that is."
"That's what she is? I thought she was a Monsterous Nightmare." I heard Hiccup's dad whisper.
"Cool. Thanks for telling me a little more than just the obvious." I said sarcastically.
"I can tell you so much more. I can tell you all about the secrets of your species. You just need to agree to"
"You suck at bargaining." I said cutting him off.
"First, you try to kill Hiccup. Then you try to kill me. You capture my friends. And now you want me to join your army, which I'm starting to think your people may be responsible for killing of the last of my kind!! So sorry, but I'll have to decline your offer. Even if you were good at bargaining, I wouldn't take your deal. I won't turn my back on my friends."
Everyone in the room was silent.
Until Sloan started laughing.
"I thought you would say that... I'm so sorry... You forced my hand."
Sloan snapped his fingers and the guard behind me held my arms at my side. He then backed out of the cell, allowing two other guards that I didn't notice come in. One of them with an iron chain in their hands. I struggled in the guard's grip as the two closed in around me. My skin sizzled as the iron touched my arms. I tried squirming and fighting against the three guards, but any movement resulted the pain in my arms increased drastically. The scream that I've tried to keep in my throat finally released itself, echoing off the walls off the boat.
After what seemed like an eternity, I heard a click of a lock over the sound of my sizzling arms. I stayed on my feet for only a few seconds until the intense pain surrounding my made my knees buckle. The pain increased as I hit the floor and my breath shortened as the burning sensation made my lungs contract. I heard a voice say something, but my consciousness began to leave me. Black dots fluttered in and out of my vision. Within a matter of minutes, I was in complete darkness.
*Hiccup's POV*
I fought against the tight ropes that held me as Sloan's men continued to wrap Ember in several layers of iron. Her screaming and squirming in agony increased. I watched in horror as the two guards walked away from Ember and saw that her once orange scaled arms were now maimed and bloody. Whips of smoke drifted from her. With eyes and hands clenched, she fell over gasping for breath.
"EMBER!!" I yelled, struggling even more against my bounds.
"Now dear boy, there's no need for a fuss. She'll be fine." Sloan said in a sickeningly calm tone. He reached down and picked up the old rope that held Ember. "And good thing I came when I did, or else we would have had a predicament on our hands. He said smirking down at the frayed rope that Ember had attempted to cut.
"What do you want Sloan?" I asked angrily. "We've done nothing to you and-"
"It's not what you've done to me! It's what you've done against all Viking kind!!" Sloan explained. "Dragons and Vikings have been at war for centuries, and for good reason. Dragons are mindless beasts that know nothing other than violence-"
"That's not true!!"
"And it's not only the fact that you've become friends with these beasts, but you've also allowed your women to breed with these monstrosities! These two crimes are treason and cannot go unpunished."
"Why do you get to decide what our crimes are?"
"Because you know what damage these monsters are capable of! You know the pain and suffering these things caused our people for generations. But with them as your "friends" as you call them stay on Berk, do you know how much damage you will cause your people? Other clans? All the damage will be on your hands. The pain and suffering of your friends and family will be on your hands. Can you handle that guilt Hiccup?
"Sir, we're nearing Stone hedge Island." One of Sloan's men said entering our cell. A cruel smile appeared on his face. Thank you for the good news." Sloan told the guard without turning away from me and Dad. The guard nodded his head and left the room.
"Now I hope you enjoy the rest of today. For tomorrow will be your last."

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