27) The Begining to an End

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Ding! 'Five...'

Ding! 'Four...'

Ding! 'Three...'

Ding! 'Two...'

Ding! 'One.'


"Begin!" Shouts my father as each team scrambles to their separate training rooms.

I quickly begin to think of a plan that could separate Red Team, making it easier to attack.

As I pace around the room I notice three heads watching me. I stop pacing once I remember I'm not alone.

"We need a plan that will separate Red Team. They will be weaker alone which will put us in advantage." I say as I look into each of the men's eyes.

They slowly nod in acknowledgment and I begin to pace again. After several minutes of everyone thinking no one has come up with any ideas. 'Nothing! My life depends on the decisions I make today and I have absolutely no clue what to do.' I mentally scream and stomp my foot.

Jacob cleared his throat. "We could each take on a single fighter from the other team...it doesn't leave us at much advantage but it's better than staying together and getting killed all at once."

Stephen and Thomas both nod their heads.  "Yes, I'd like to have the best chance at living as possible." Thomas states in a half-attempt to lighten up the mood in the dark room.

I give him a half smile that most likely turned out as a grimace before turning to Jacob.

"It's a really good idea Jacob, thank you." I pause as Jacob smiles gently and his eyes shine with sadness. "I will fight Thanatos since it's only right that we fight each other." I say as I begin to stretch for combat practice.

"Jacob, you will fight Julia since she is the best fighter on Red Team...and you're the only one not related to her besides me." I say quietly looking at the two stepbrothers in my peripheral vision.

He nods walking over to a sand bag hanging from the ceiling and begins to punch and kick it.

I turn around and look from Stephen to Thomas. "Who wants Blayne?" I ask in a monotonous tone.

Before Stephen could say anything Thomas stepped forward. "Moi. I've been wanting to punch that creep's face in since he talked so low of my-our-father. I feel sorry for him and notre mère, honestly, but how am I supposed to let his accusations go free?"

Stephen and I stare at Thomas as if he grew two heads. "Are you sure Thomas because I can-" starts Stephen.

"I will fight Blayne. You will fight whoever Thanatos picked in place of Jacob." Interrupts Thomas as he looks questioningly at me.

I nod my head. "Fine. You may fight Blayne and Stephen will fight one of our personal guards, Benjamin. He mostly knows defense so wait for him to attack. He favors his left leg from what I've seen at combat practice." I say as we all walk over to where Jacob is now waiting for us.

"Thanks love." Mutters Stephen as we pair up and begin sparring with one another.


"You're a-a really...good fighter!" Huffs Stephen as I kick the back of his knee causing him to stumble.

"I had over three weeks on a ship to practice." I say as I catch him in a choke hold.

Before I can react Stephen digs his elbow into my ribcage making me lose my grip of his neck. He quickly turns around and punches my stomach, taking advantage of my quick healing. He goes for a right cross but I catch his fist and flip his arm backwards.

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