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Such small a word encompassing the whole world. I love to travel and would love nothing more to leave everything, just stuff some cash and my phone in a bag and run away. But isn't that everyone's fantasy. Seeing everything and forgetting responsibility for a while.

The pleasure of being a kid in a foreign land is perhaps what I'd like to do most. Camera in one hand and will in the mind. Opening my eyes to a land I haven't seen before. Not recognizing the accent or language. A strange currency in hand, and just the basic on how the world works.

Perhaps everyone dreams of this but I plan to achieve it. With someone or without it doesn't matter, as long as you have the best time of your life. Click a few pictures, learn to use the self timers, update your snap story and just don't care what anyone else this. This is your life, do what ever you can and never stop for someone who will just be a memory one day, a person who doesn't care doesn't deserve your time and neither do you their approval.

"When I was young I used to have this thing where I wanted to see everything. I used to think, 'How can I die without seeing every inch of this world'"
~Leonardo DiCaprio

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