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When we arrived at the diner, a waitress showed us to a booth in the far corner. We ordered drinks and I began to look at the menu. I could feel Amy's eyes on me from the other side of the table but I chose to ignore her.

We ordered our food shortly after that. I got a grilled cheese and Amy got a chicken salad. This really showcased our differences - Amy was a healthy gym rat and I was more of a couch potato- but I didn't care. Although I could tell that Amy was becoming impatient, the two of us sat talking about the journey home until the waitress returned with our meals. The waitress was young looking. I guessed she was around 20 years old, with shoulder length mousy brown hair and glasses. We thanked her and I picked up my sandwich to start eating only to have it painfully slapped out of my hand by an extremely demanding Amy.

"Tell me what happened, Nat!"


I sighed.

"So I basically kept freezing up like a scared mouse and I couldn't even talk to him and I just wanted to curl up in a ball and disappear it was so embarrassing!" I blurted out in a babble of noise that only Amy could ever understand. 

My best friend burst into fits of laughter. I scowled, only making her laugh more at me.

"Stop! It wasn't funny" I whined.

She continued to laugh, attracting more and more attention by the second. 

She managed to calm down after what felt like a lifetime of annoyed stares from a few older people in the diner. 

"Oh My Gosh. That. Was. Hilarious." 

"Yeah, whatever." I mumbled and started munching on my grilled cheese. After realizing it was sort of funny after all, I tried to hold back my giggles, willing myself not to give in. I was stubborn  like that. 

When I was almost done, I heard the sound of metal hitting wood and Amy saying "Oh can you pick that up for me please, Nat"

I bent down to grab her fork from the floor near my feet and when I looked up again I couldn't believe what I saw. My jaw dropped and Amy gasped. All eyes were trained on three figures walking towards us, except,  I only noticed one. Ian Somerhalder. 

After ogling for a few moments, I saw he was with a few other cast members who I couldn't name, however Amy's heavy breathing indicated that they were most likely main characters. They all came over and sat in the booth next to ours.  I suddenly snapped out of my trance and realized what had just happened. 

"Why the hell are they here?!" I hissed at Amy, "he probably still remembers me as the stupid awkward girl that couldn't talk!"

"I'm not sure why they're here," she whispered, in a daze, "But Damon Salvatore, Bonnie Bennett and Stefan Salvatore are sat behind me! Ian, Paul and Kat! Aah!" Amy went into fan girl mode immediately, trying to take sneaky pictures and screaming under her breath. I was still worried that Ian would recognize me from earlier that day. 

Paul must've noticed Amy because he stood up from his seat and walked around to scoot in next to her. She stared at him half admiring and half terrified, unable to speak or breath. I guess she isn't so confident around her idols after all, huh?

I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now