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One of the beauticians led us through to the changing rooms. She told us to change into the robes set out for us, wearing only our panties underneath. She also said we could go nude if we like, but most people don't.

I decided to go with the first option, and seemingly so did Amy and Kat.

We were soon joined by Nina, who did the same before coming into the quiet room.

"Hey, Hun!" she called to me, opening her arms for a hug.

"Hey!" I called back, running into her arms.

"Wow, you're so pretty!" she remarked, feeling my long brunette locks, "No wonder Ian likes you so much."

I laughed a thank you and sat back down. Nina then greeted Amy in a similar fashion and sat down beside her, chatting about god knows what.

Phoebe and Candice were a lot later than they said they would be, but eventually arrived at least fifteen minutes later. They both pulled me and Amy into a tight hug. They seemed genuinely excited to meet me. 

Had Ian really talked about me as much as they said?

Once everyone was there we walked through to another room to begin the activities Kat had booked for us. 

Throughout the next hour we got massages, pedicures and relaxed with face masks.I was surprised at how well we all got along. It was like I'd known them for years with the way conversation kept flowing. I loved it. When it was time to go we were all reluctant, but eventually obliged and got ready.

"So what's next?" Amy asked, once we were outside of the spa. 

"Ooh we could go to that nice restaurant down the street for lunch?" Candice suggested.

"Sounds great!" we all chimed in unison, making us laugh as we walked down the street. 

As we walked a few people came over for pictures but none recognized me until a group of girls ran over to us.

"Oh my gosh can we get a picture?" one squealed, looking at Kat, Candice, Nina and Phoebe. Her gaze landed on me and her eyes widened.

"Oh you're the girl Ian Somerhalder was seen with!"

"What?" I blurted out, shocked.

"Oh my god you bitch!" the girl's friend yelled.

"You're a homewrecker, you know that right?" another spat, glaring at me.

"Okay, sorry girls, but we're going to get going." Phoebe butted in, calmly.

Nina grabbed my arm and guided me away from the girls.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah, fine. How did they know that I was with Ian the other day?"

"There must've been paparazzi hiding somewhere. Do you want me to look up the article on my phone?" Candice replied, a concerned look on her face.

"No, I'll check later. Today is about having fun with all of you." I said, smiling around at them.

They all cheered and we went to get lunch. The rest of the day ran  smoothly and Amy and I were back at the hotel by three o'clock.

I though it was fitting to send Kat another thank you text, as she had organised this day.



Hey, Kat, I just wanted to say thank you again for organizing today! I had a lot of fun! xx


You're welcome, Hun! I had a lot of fun too xx


I sat down and searched the web for this article that framed Ian and I together.

I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now