Thirty Five

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After posting on Instagram, I felt amazing. That was until Ian commented and told me I only had forty five minutes. It was 09:15. The drive to the airport was thirty minutes. That meant I only had one hour and fifteen minutes until I had to say goodbye to Ian for god knows how long.

It'll be fine, Natalie. You have nothing to worry about. You'll see him again soon!

I started to pack, which proved to be kind of difficult, considering all of my clothes were scattered around the room. When I finally managed to collect everything on my bed, I began to fold it all into my suitcase.

"NATALIEEEE!!" I heard a shout from the hallway. 


I was suddenly forced face first onto the bed, with Amy laying on my back.

"Tell me EVERYTHING that happened last night and today!!" she yelled into my ear.

I winced at the new pain in my ear. "Okay, okay. Please get off of me first."

Amy sighed and got up. She started to fold more clothes and help me pack, all the while staring at me to indicate I had to start talking.

"So after you guys went to meet up without me I was really upset, and then Ian turned up and told me that he'd asked you to do that. And that cheered me up a bit. He said he wanted to spend the last day here with me and he let me choose a film." I smiled mischievously in Amy's direction. "Guess what I chose."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Probably something childish." she said.

"You're on the right track. Keep thinking."

"I have no idea."

"Okay, I'll give you a clue... It's one of our favourite film series'"

Amy copied my grin when she realized.

"You didn't!" she exclaimed, a look of disbelief plastered on her face. I nodded and we both burst into laughter.

"How the hell did you get someone other than me to watch High School Musical?!" she demanded. 

I shrugged.

"Okay, keep telling me what happened."

"Well, we got dessert and ended up watching all three of the films." Amy's eyes widened at this information. "When it was done I cuddled up to him and fell asleep. And that's all that I remember from last night." 

Amy's face lit up with excitement. "Aw he's so cute!!"

"Yeah, he is." I admitted. 

"Right, tell me about this morning." she instructed.

"Um, well, I woke up super early and went out to the balcony. Then he came out too and we chatted. And then he asked me. And I-" I paused, looking guiltily in Amy's direction "I-I ran away."

"WHAT?!" Amy screeched.

"I ran to the bathroom."


"Because I didn't know what to think. I kept thinking, 'why me?', Amy. Why did he choose me?"

"Did he tell you why?"

"He did." A small smile crept to my lips at the memory of how sweet Ian had been.


"That information is private." I stated, "Lets just say that his reasons caused me to say yes."

Amy smiled widely and hugged me tight. I chuckled and glanced at my suitcase, which was now fully packed. 

"Thanks for helping me pack. Do you need help with yours?"

"Nuh-uh. I did mine the other day." Amy replied.

"Of course. I should've known. You're, like, Queen Organised of Health Town." I commented, sarcastically. 

"Ha ha. So what do you want to do in the last half hour of LA?" she asked.


I love you, Ian SomerhalderWhere stories live. Discover now