Forty Nine

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*Amy's POV*

My week had been awful. I stayed in my house the whole time, angry. I wasn't angry at Natalie. I was angry at myself. 

How could I be so selfish? Just because I'm single doesn't mean I have to take it out on her!

For the entire week I'd been in England, I was miserable and I felt stupid. I didn't know whether to talk to Natalie or not. I tried to talk normally in the group chat but her replies told me she hadn't forgiven me yet. It's not like I expected her to. I acted horribly and if you combine that with her stubborn attitude, nothing is ever solved unless I do the solving. 

I was happy that Ethan had come back. He texted me to hang out next week so that was all I had to look forward to right now. 

Soon after the group chat conversation died down, I was left alone again with nothing to do. Our friends didn't know about the argument so it wasn't like I could go to them about it. As if they'd be on my side anyway.

Amy! Shut up. 

When there was a knock on my door, I perked up, hoping it would be Natalie, but then I remembered, she doesn't ever apologize. 

I huffed and got up to see who it was. When I looked through the peek-hole I saw a pizza delivery man, looking really impatient. I opened the door with a questioning expression on my face. 

"Pizza delivery for Amy Palmers?" he said in a drone-like voice. 

"Um, I didn't order a pizza." I said, confused.

"Well maybe the note inside will explain why I'm here. Now take the damn pizza before I eat it myself." he snapped.

"Ok, ok." I replied, annoyance clear in my voice. I snatched the pizza and slammed the door in his face. I didn't care how rude I was being. That guy pissed off an already upset woman who is also on her period. Sorry not sorry. 

Intrigued as to what note the delivery man was talking about, I opened the box and smelt the sweet aromas of Hawaiian, my favourite, before seeing a slightly greasy slip of paper taped to the lid. 

It read:

"I am sorry, this is late.

For my apology, I made you wait.

I never meant to make you sad,

Because you're the best friend I ever had!

P.s. text me <3"

I chuckled lightly. Only Natalie would do something like this. Still grinning, I dug into my pizza. Natalie's text could wait. 

When I was finally done with my food, I whipped out my phone and texted Natalie. 


Hey Natalie, thanks for the pizza. I forgive you, but really you should be forgiving me. I was a jealous bitch and I shouldn't have been. I'm sorry xx

Natalie <3

Haha I wondered when I'd hear from you. But then I figured you'd eat first. And I do forgive you. I understand why you felt that way. Plus, now we have to get you a man!! xx


As if he'd be interested in me though. 

Natalie <3

That's absolute nonsense! You're coming over tomorrow and we're going to tell Joseph how you feel and find out if he likes you back. xxx


Whatever. I'll just embarrass myself. See you at 11 xx

Natalie <3

Seeya! x

A/N: I've been waiting to upload this for so long! I wrote it last week so it's been sitting there as a draft for a while. But now it's here. And you all have to wait until Saturday/ Sunday for another update! Loves ya! xx

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